Bernat Vivancos i Farràs

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Bernat Vivancos i Farràs (* 1973 in Barcelona ) is a contemporary Catalan composer , organist , pianist , choir director and music teacher. From 2007 to 2014 Vivancos was head of Escolania de Montserrat . Since 2003 he has been Professor of Composition and Orchestration at the ESMUC in Barcelona.

life and work

Bernat Vivancos studied with Ireneu Segarra at the Escola de Montserrat . He completed his piano studies with Maria Canals in her Ars Nova Academy and his composition studies with David Pedrós in Barcelona. He later deepened his musical studies for five years at the Paris Conservatory with Guy Reibel , Frédéric Durieux , Marc-André Dalbavie and Alain Louvier in orchestration and music analysis and with Lasse Thoresen in Norway.

In 2000 he received the first prize for electroacoustic music in Brussels for his composition Métamorphoses (“Metamorphoses”) . Since then, his music has been performed on European stages such as Amsterdam and Frankfurt am Main. Above all, his interest in choral music determined his further career as a composer. He composed El gran alquimista (2007, "The Great Alchemist") on a text by Miquel Desclot . His works Contemplació polièdrica de nu femení (2006, “Contemplation on a polyhedral female nude”) and La ciutat dels àngels (2002, “The City of Angels”) must also be mentioned.

Together with Arvo Pärt , Vivancos was Composer in Residence at the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona in the 2014/2015 season . In 2019 Vivancos worked musically with international pop singers such as the Catalan flamenco pop singer Rosalía , who participated in the Goya competition with the Cor Jove de l'Orfeó Català (youth choir of the Orfeo Català) Me quedo contigo (“I stay with you “) Performed by the Los Chunguitos group . He also performed with Jennifer Lopez on their American tour entitled It's my party: a life celebration .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Generalitat de Catalunya: Bernat Vivancos i Farràs. In: Catalan contemporary music.
  2. a b Bernat Vivancos deixarà la direcció de l'Escolania de Montserrat a final de curs. In: Revista Musical Catalana. Archived from the original ; Retrieved April 9, 2020 (Catalan).
  3. Xavier Cervantes: Bernat Vivancos: "En aquesta nova etapa em consagraré totalment a la composicio". In: October 7, 2014, archived from the original on July 5, 2018 ; Retrieved April 9, 2020 (Catalan).
  4. Bernat Vivancos, compositor i professor de l'ESMUC, col·labora amb Jennifer López, després de treballar amb Rosalía. ESMUC, June 12, 2019, archived from the original on April 9, 2020 ; Retrieved April 9, 2020 (Catalan).