Bernd Gaiser

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Honorary membership at SchwuZ Berlin for Bernd Gaiser
Honorary membership of the SchwuZ Berlin Als Tunte Daisy
Bernd Gaiser b.  Naval service in 1965
Bernd Gaiser, Marine Service 1965

Bernd Gaiser (born January 19, 1945 in Nussloch ) - also Bernhard Josef, called Bernd - is a German author and activist of the lesbian and gay movement .


Bernd Gaiser comes from a small farmer's background and grew up with three siblings.

Gaiser moved to West Berlin in 1967, where he joined the Extra-Parliamentary Opposition (APO) and completed an apprenticeship in bookselling. After participating in the screening of Rosa von Praunheim's film Not the homosexual is perverse, but rather the situation in which he lives at the Berlinale 1971, Gaiser was involved in founding the HAW ( Homosexual Action Westberlin ) from autumn of the same year . He was also involved in the first demonstration of lesbians and gays held on the Kurfürstendamm at Whitsun 1973 , as well as in the subsequent " queer controversy " in the HAW , about wearing the pink angle as a common identifier. In this context, Gaiser first appeared with the tune name Daisy, which he has been using since then. Wearing the pink triangle should demonstrate one's own gay identity and at the same time it should serve as a sign of the outing made by him and others in the circle of friends, at work and in the family.

Journalistic activity

From 1977 Gaiser shared a flat with Egmont Fassbinder (Verlag rosa Winkel) and Wolfgang Theis (co-founder of the Schwules Museum Berlin 1985) in the Friedenauer Moselstraße and worked as a bookseller. At the invitation of the publisher Hans Eppendorfer , he became a freelancer for the magazine Him / Applaus . Gaiser published the articles he published at the time from the reality of gay life in 2017 in the anthology “Places gay self-realization and confusion or gays invent happiness”. Gaiser's publications were primarily self-published by Maldoror pamphlets .

In 1978 Gaiser was in charge of organizing a nationwide meeting of gay authors in Berlin's SchwuZ. And in 1979, together with the initiator of the 1st Berlin Christopher Street Day, Andreas Pareik and others involved in its organization. And in the same year published the anthology “Milchsilber. Words and Images of Gays ”. During his work in the editorial team of the "Berliner Schwulenzeitung" BSZ between 1977 and 1982 he went public with an interview with the photographer Jürgen Baldiga .

social commitment

Due to the bankruptcy of his employer Kiepert, the largest bookstore in Berlin at the time, Gaiser became unemployed in 2003 and concentrated on his social commitment, in particular on the subject of homosexuality in old age, for example in the Anders Altern network, the Berlin gay advice center, in the mobile salon, a visitor service for older gay people who are no longer mobile, as well as at BALSAM , the Berlin working group for lesbian and gay elderly people and in the forum of the 30th Berlin CSD 2008.

Gaiser has been co-organizing a rickshaw group at the Berlin CSD since 2014, together with friends from Mann-O-Meter and Vorspiel-Sportverein-für-Schwule-und-Lesbben Berlin - to encourage the participation of older gays who are no longer good on foot are under the motto 50+ is far from over . He is also connected to the initiative for a joint “grave sponsorship”, which serves the goal of restoring a grave memorial in the old St. Matthew's churchyard in Berlin-Schöneberg and its subsequent urn burial. Gaiser is a tenant in the city of Diversity , a residential building for lesbians and gays in old age, and he and other interested parties supported the gay counseling project in Berlin.

At the 39th CSD 2017, Bernd Gaiser received the Soul of Stonewall Award (in the category: local) for his services to the queer community in Berlin over a period of 40 years .


  • Bernd Gaiser (Ed.): Workshop writing gays. Nov. 18-21, 1978. Self-published. Berlin 1978.
  • Bernd Gaiser u. a. (Ed.): Milk silver. Words and pictures of gays. Verlag rosa Winkel, Berlin 1979, ISBN 3-921495-27-X .
  • Bernd Gaiser: The colors of the skin. Places of gay self-realization and confusion. Edition Maldoror pamphlets, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-7418-4014-2 .
  • Bernd Gaiser: In the shadow of the Rosa Winkel or gays invent happiness. Edition Maldoror pamphlets, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-7418-3733-3 .
  • Bernd Gaiser: Places of gay self-realization and confusion or gays invent happiness. Edition Maldoror pamphlets, Berlin 3rd NA 2019, ISBN 978-3-7485-4496-8 .

Publications in magazines and anthologies

  • Joachim S. Hohmann: My reading book. Foerster Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 1979, ISBN 3-922257-01-1 .
  • Bernd Gaiser: Jürgen Baldiga. I am my own god. Berliner Schwulen Zeitung No. 24 Oct./Nov. 1980.
  • Gerd Wolter (Ed.): Man oh man. Men reader. Edition Tréves, Trier 1980, ISBN 3-88081-089-3 .
  • Egmont Fassbinder (Ed.): Blurb No. 1 , Verlag rosa Winkel, Berlin 1980, ISSN  0720-6712 .
  • Rüdiger Berg / Jürgen Klaubert: Where thorn lips kiss you. A reader. Verlag Pusteblume, Bielefeld, undated , ISBN 3-922896-06-5 .
  • Bruno Gmünder (Ed.): Berlin from behind. Gmünder Verlag, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-9800578-5-2 .
  • Egmont Fassbinder (Ed.): Blurbs No. 5. Verlag rosa Winkel, Berlin 1984, ISBN 3-921495-68-7 .
  • Rinaldo Hopf, Axel Schock (eds.): My gay eye 10. Konkursbuch Verlag, Tübingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-88769-910-9 .
  • Bernd Gaiser: From the first CSD until today. Victory Column. Queer Berlin. Issue June 2014, Special Media Verlag Berlin.
  • Klaus Dieter Spangenberg: The beautiful Helena. Fritz, the fate of a gay soldier. Preface. Self-published, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-00-045899-6 .
  • Udo Hardenberg (Ed.): Eight men and a grave. A story of life and death. Self-published. Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-7467-5334-8 .
  • Rinaldo Hopf (Ed.): My gay eye. BerlinGay Metropolis Special. Konkursbuch Verlag, Tübingen, 2019 ISBN 978-3-88769-945-1


Web links

Individual evidence

Podcast Childhood in the Country Episode 3 v. 04/12/2020 nhk-direct-talk: Bernd Gaiser v. 06/05/2020

  1. Verena Friederike Hasel: On the death of Robert Kiepert: The king of customers. In: February 10, 2017, accessed November 1, 2018 .
  2. Gay Advice Berlin. Retrieved October 12, 2018 .
  3. Bernd Kraft: Index. Retrieved October 11, 2018 .
  4. Crispin Beirau: Alter St. Matthaus Kirchhof 2008. Retrieved on 11 October 2018 .
  5. ↑ Between us. A house in Berlin. Tagesspiegel Berlin. July 14, 2013.
  6. “Don't feel like playing hide-and-seek”. 7 years
  7. The winners of the “Soul of Stonewall Awards 2017” - blu hinnerk GAB rik Leo In: , accessed on October 25, 2018.
  8. CSD in Berlin. “The fight against homophobia will never end”. Berlin newspaper. June 21, 2017
  9. Bernd Gaiser (72). The gay veteran from the CSD. Berlin courier. July 21, 2018.
  10. #QueerAsBerlin. In: podcast one. Retrieved on August 9, 2019 (German).
  11. Courage, pride and happiness. Retrieved August 9, 2019 .