Bernd Radtke

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Bernd Rudolf Radtke (born May 22, 1944 in Nebel on Amrum ) is a German orientalist and Islamic scholar .

His family moved to Hamburg in 1948 , where he attended elementary school and high school. After studying at the University of Hamburg (1964–1966), Bernd Radtke moved to the University of Basel (1966–1974), where he did his doctorate on the Islamic theosophist Al-Hakīm at-Tirmidhī from the 9th century, later he was a professor, among other things at the University of Bergen and taught at the Universiteit Utrecht .

One of his main focuses is Islamic mysticism .

Publications (selection)

  • Ṣafadī: al-Wāfī bi-l-wafayāt , Volume 15. Bibliotheca Islamica. Beirut 1979. ( digitized version )
  • Al-Ḥakīm at-Tirmiḏi. An Islamic theosophist of the 3rd / 9th centuries Century . Schwarz Verlag, Freiburg 1980 ( digitized version )
  • The Chronicle of Ibn ad-Dawādārī. 1st chapter. Cairo / Wiesbaden 1982.
  • How Can Man Reach the Mystical Union? Ibn Ṭufayl and the Divine Spark. In: Lawrence Irvin Conrad : The World of Ibn Ṭufayl. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān . Leiden / New York / Cologne (= Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies . Volume 24), pp. 165–194.
  • Adab al-mulῡk. A manual on Islamic mysticism from the 4th / 10th centuries. Century. BTS 37. Beirut-Stuttgart 1991.
  • World history and description of the world in medieval Islam. BTS 51. Beirut-Stuttgart 1992.
  • Three writings of the Theosophist of Tirmiḏ. Bibliotheca Islamica. Beirut-Stuttgart 1992. ( digitized version )

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