Bernd Schwarzer

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Bernd Schwarzer (born July 24, 1954 in Weimar ) is a German artist. Schwarzer's works deal with the subjects of Europe , the reunification of East and West, Weimar and human rights .

Bernd Schwarzer together with museum director Jürgen Lenssen , CSU council member Adolf Bauer and friend Jonathan Malila, Museum am Dom Würzburg 2012

life and work

The family moved from Weimar to Düsseldorf in 1959 , where his father worked as a doctor. From 1976 to 1983 Schwarzer studied painting with Werner Schriefers at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences . In 1978 he began studying painting for two years with Gerhard Hoehme at the Düsseldorf Art Academy , where he was also a guest student with Joseph Beuys . Bernd Schwarzer has been working as a painter in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Weimar since 1984. He was a master student with Werner Schriefers at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, department of art and design. In 2000, Black was visiting professor at the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk (master class).

Works in museums

Schwarzer's works are u. a. in the following museums:


Bernd Schwarzer exhibits his works both nationally and internationally. He designed nine solo exhibitions of his own and was involved in twelve group exhibitions.

His solo exhibitions include:

  • 2016 Europe and the unity of being: Art as a signpost to peace , WBB GALLERY - Contemporary Pure Art, Zurich
  • 2011 stations on an artistic journey , Kunsthandlung Osper, Cologne
  • 2010 Art from Europe: Bernd Schwarzer in Bejing , Today Art Museum, Beijing
  • 2009 20 Years of Liberty - Germany Pictures , Al Galerie Budapest
  • 2008 Kontrapunkt , Kunsthandlung Osper, Cologne
  • 2006 Al Gallery, Budapest
  • 2004 Europa , Kunsthandlung Osper, Cologne
  • 2003 Europe - the State Russian Museum , Marble Palace, St. Petersburg

The group exhibitions include:

  • 2011 New States of Contemporary Art , Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster
  • 2010 Gallery Artists , Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster
  • 2009 40 years of Galerie Koch-Westenhoff , Galerie Koch-Westenhoff, Lübeck
  • 2008 Collectibles Collector Works , Galerie & Edition Bode GmbH, Nuremberg
  • 2006 Objects and Sculpture , Kunstverein Kreis Gütersloh eV, Gütersloh
  • 2005 50 years of Galerie Koch , Galerie Koch, Hanover
  • 2003 Objects and Sculpture 2003 Galerie Kunsthaus Oberkassel / Artobes, Düsseldorf
  • 2001 Selected graphics , Galerie Koch, Hanover
  • 2000 Zinnober , Galerie Koch, Hanover
  • 1999 Weimar out of the frame , Lucas Cranach Gallery , Gallery of the Cooperative of Fine Artists Weimar, Weimar


  • Bernd Schwarzer: German-European Works , Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Brussels
  • Bernd Schwarzer: Europawerk , Federal Foreign Office, 2008
  • Bernd Schwarzer: Pictures, graphics, installations, objects, photographs, sculptures and drawings , Expo 2000 Hannover, Munich 2000
  • Bernd Schwarzer: Drawings. Exhibition by the Kunstmuseum Bonn in the Stadtmuseum Bonn, November 17, 2006 to January 28, 2007 , Cologne 2006
  • Budde, Rainer u. a. (Ed.): In Search - Works by Bernd Schwarzer in the Museum am Dom Würzburg, September 21 to November 25, 2007 , Würzburg 2007
  • Kiblitzky, Joseph (Ed.): Bernd Schwarzer Europe. Catalog for the exhibition in the Museum Ludwig in the State Russian Museum Petersburg , Petersburg 2003
  • Krueger, Peter (Ed.): Art Bridge New York - Cologne - New York. 50 Years of Transantlantic Dialogue , Tübingen, Berlin 2001

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