Bernhard Fritscher

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Bernhard Fritscher (born December 2, 1954 in Bayreuth ; † July 11, 2013 ) was a German science historian .


Fritscher received his doctorate in 1990 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich on the history of natural sciences ( The importance of chemistry and experiment in the Neptunism-volcanism controversy. A contribution to the history and theory of geosciences ). In 1998 he received his habilitation in Munich ( geosciences and modernity. Studies on the cultural history of mineralogy and chemical geology (1848-1926) ). The focus of his research was the history of geology.

He was a research assistant at the Munich Center for the History of Science and Technology and at the same time an extraordinary professor for the history of natural sciences at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Munich.

In 2008 he re-edited Leopold von Buch's collected writings at Olms. He dealt with Abraham Gottlob Werner , the Plutonism - Neptunism- dispute, Lorenz Oken , Immanuel Kant and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in relation to geology, Gustav Tschermak , Alexander Keyserling , Georg Forster , Adolf Schlagintweit and James Hall and examined one Rock collection, which this put on in the context of the volcanism-Neptunism dispute and which is at the British Geological Survey in Keyworth. Fritscher worked for the Chronology of Natural Sciences ( Karl-Heinz Schlote Editor, Harri Deutsch 2002) for geosciences. He wrote encyclopedic entries by geoscientists for various encyclopedias.

He was chairman of the History of the Earth Sciences working group of the Society of Geological Sciences.

Fritscher died after a long period of cancer.


  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar Online


  • Cornelia Lüdecke, Bernhard Fritscher (1954-2013) - an obituary, in: Sudhoffs Archiv. Journal for the History of Science Vol. 97/2013 - Issue 2
  • Marianne Klemum, Cornelia Lüdecke, Martina Kölbl-Ebert: Bernhard Fritscher - Historian of Geosciences (1954-2013), Earth Sciences History, Volume 32, 2013, pp. 332–333


  • Fritscher (Editor): Toward a History of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the History of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry, Munich, March 8-9, 1996, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Munich 1998
  • Metamorphism and thermodynamics: the formative years. In: David Oldroyd (Ed.) The Earth Inside and Out: Some major Contributions to Geology in the Twentieth Century. (= Geological Society London, Special Publication 192) pp. 143-165, London, 2002
  • From the thunder of the earth to the falling star. In: Spectrum of Science Special: Research and Technology in the Middle Ages, Special 2, pp. 44–47, Heidelberg, 2002
  • Earth Science and "German Movement": Comments on the reception of Werner's mineralogy in Jena. In: H. Albrechtt, R. Ladwig (Ed.) Abraham Gottlob Werner and the foundation of the geological sciences. Selected papers of the International Werner Symposium in Freiberg 19th to 24th September 1999 (= Freiberger Forschungshefte, D 207) pp. 45–52, Freiberg, 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
  2. Published as Vulkanismusstreit und Geochemie: The importance of chemistry and the experiment in the volcanism-Neptunism controversy , Boethius, Franz Steiner Verlag 1991
  3. For his habilitation, he assessed, among others, the exchange of letters of Paul Heinrich von Groth from
  4. ^ Fritscher, Hegel and the geology around 1800. In: Olaf Breidbach, Dietrich von Engelhardt (Ed.) Hegel and the life sciences. (= Ernst Haeckel Haus Studies: Monographs on the History of Biosciences and Medicine, Vol. 5) pp. 55–74, Berlin, 2002
  5. ^ Fritscher The James Hall Collection at Keyworth , Reports on the History of Science, Volume 11, 1988, 27-34
  6. So Selley, Cocks, Plimer (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geology , Elsevier, 2005 ( Eduard Suess , Alfred Wegener ), the New Dictionary of Scientific Biography ( Otto Ampferer , Alfred Rittmann , Arthur Louis Day ), Hoffmann, Laitko, Müller-Wille (Ed.) Lexicon of important natural scientists , Heidelberg 2004 (including Charles Lyell , Victor Moritz Goldschmidt , Paul von Groth , Ferdinand von Richthofen , Carl Ritter )