Bernhard von Krosigk

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Bernhard von Krosigk (born April 13, 1582 in Sandersleben , † November 8, 1620 near Prague ) was Lieutenant Colonel in Anhalt-Bernburg .


Bernhard von Krosigk came from the noble family Krosigk . He was the son of Captain Adolf von Krosigk and his wife Martha von Dachröden ; the chamber councilor Albrecht Christoph von Krosigk was his brother.

After a short time as a page at the court in Köthen , Krosigk accompanied his prince, Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen, on his extensive cavalier tour between 1596 and 1602 . Up to and including 1597 the Netherlands, Great Britain and France were visited and in the following year the tour continued through Switzerland and Italy. In 1602 the journey then led through Austria, Hungary and Bohemia back to Köthen.

Back at the court in Köthen, he was promoted over the years to the Anhalt Rittmeister. As such, he married Brigitta von Radestock around 1607 and had a son with her, Bernhard the Elder. J. von Krosigk .

In the founding year, 1617, Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen accepted him into the Fruit Bringing Society . As a company name he was given "the neat one" and as a motto "untouched exists". As an emblem he was given “a white lily that has blossomed out” (“ Lilium candidum L. ”). Bernhard von Krosigk was listed under number 8 in the Köthen company register.

In the regiment of Count Georg Friedrich von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Weikersheim he advanced to lieutenant colonel. As such, he fell in the Battle of the White Mountain on November 8, 1620, when the army under Christian I von Anhalt-Bernburg was defeated by troops of the Catholic League and the Imperial Army .
