Bernhart lack of concern

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Bernhart Ohnesorge (born October 28, 1923 in Berlin ) is a German forest scientist and zoologist . He was Professor of Entomology at the University of Hohenheim .


Bernhart Ohnesorge was born in Berlin-Charlottenburg as the son of the district court director Kurt Ohnesorge and his wife Dr. Irmgart Ohnesorge born Humperdinck was born. After successful Baccalaureate (1941) at the Heinrich-von-Kleist School for Boys in Berlin-Grunewald studied Ohnesorge forestry at the Forestry Faculty Hann Munden of the University of Göttingen (1945-1949). After graduating in 1949 and doing legal clerkship in Lower Saxony and Baden, he passed his state examination at the Hanover Ministry of Agriculture in 1951. This was followed by a PhD at the Institute for Forest Entomology at the University of Freiburg . With his dissertation: Host plant relationships through the large brown weevil (Hylobius abietis) he was awarded a Dr. rer. nat. PhD.

Erika Gallasch married Erika Gallasch in 1954 and they have three sons together.

After positions as an entomologist at the Lower Saxony Forest Research Institute in Göttingen, as a research officer at the Forest Insect Laboratory in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and as a research assistant at the Biological Federal Institute, Berlin Dahlem, he presented his work: mass change, density regulation and density determination in the small spruce wasp Pristiphora abietina (Christ) (Hym., Tenthr.) . This was followed by his habilitation in applied zoology at the Free University of Berlin (1966). In 1968 Ohnesorge moved to the Institute for Plant Protection at the University of Hohenheim as a lecturer and head of department for entomology , where he was appointed professor in 1972. Under his direction, 34 doctoral students received their doctorates in Hohenheim, he wrote the standard works: Animals as Plant Pests , Thieme-Verlag 1976, 2nd edition 1991; and together with Altenkirch and Majunke: Waldschutz 2002 , Verlag Ulmer 2002. Bernhart Ohnesorge has been retired since 1988.

Research engagement and teaching

  • Population dynamics: predatory mite ( Phytoseiulus persimilis ), European corn borer, corn aphid
  • Forecast: European corn borer
  • Host plant relationships: frit fly, cereal cyst stem Heterodera a venae
  • Biology: chemical and biological control of harmful animals
  • Animal ecology; Insecticide Toxicology
  • Biometrics of crop protection trials

Memberships and honors


  • Theophil Gerber: personalities from agriculture, forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine. Biographical Lexicon . NORA Verlagsgemeinschaft Dyck & Westerheide, Berlin 2008, ISBN 3-936735-67-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Fellmeth , Kathrin Quast: The academic teachers at the University of Hohenheim 1968 to 2005. In: Ulrich Fellmeth, Harald Winkel (Hrsg.) .: Hohenheimer themes. Journal for cultural studies topics. 15./16. Born 2006/07, Stuttgart-Hohenheim 2008, special volume, ISSN 0942-5209, p. 320. From ( PDF ; 4.1 MB), accessed on October 10, 2019.