Bernt Brendemoen

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Bernt Brendemoen (born January 10, 1949 in Oslo ) is a Norwegian Turkologist .


Brendemoen studied Classical Philology and Turkology in Oslo and Uppsala from 1967 to 1974 . From 1974 to 1976 he stayed in Istanbul , where he did turkological studies at the University of Istanbul and researched in the archives of Topkapı Sarayı . In 1977 he was awarded the Norwegian master's degree due to his dissertation Tyrkiske transkripsjonstekster i Topkapı Sarayı i Istanbul . He then worked as a research assistant at the Norwegian Research Council and at the University of Oslo . In 1982 he became Amanuensis (roughly equivalent to the German research assistant ) for Turkology at the University of Oslo, in 1989 Førsteamanuensis (roughly: Senior Assistant ). In 1991 he represented the professorship for Turkish Studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main for half a year , and from 2001 to 2002 the chair for Turkish Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz for one year . In August 2001 he was awarded the degree of doctor philosophiae (dr. Philos), the highest Norwegian academic degree (roughly equivalent to the German habilitation ). In 2002 he was appointed professor of Turkish Studies at the University of Oslo. He has translated several works by the writer Orhan Pamuk into Norwegian.

Bernt Brendemoen is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences .


Brendemoen's fields of work include linguistic Turkology, Anatolian dialects , Turkish language reform , Karamanlidica , modern Turkish literature , Chaghatai and Azerbaijani .

In addition to Norwegian , Brendemoen speaks English , Turkish , German and French .

Selected Works


  • Tyrkisk Grammar (1992)
  • The Turkish Dialects of Trabzon (2 vols., 2002)
  • Tyrkisk-Norsk Ordbok (2013)


  • Some Notes on Word Order in Anatolian Dialects (1998)
  • Aspects of Greek-Turkish language contact in Trabzon (2006)
  • Object i novels. Orhan Pamuk og den Material Verden (2011)
  • Trabzon Ağızlarındaki Soluksuz Ötümsüz Patlayıcı Ünsüzler (2013)
  • Some remarks on the infinitive in -mA in 17th century Ottoman Turkish (2014)
  • Karamanlidic literature and its value as a source for spoken Turkish in the 18th and 19th centuries (2016)

Prizes and awards

  • Türkolojiye Üstün Hizmet Armağanı of the University of Istanbul (Award for the highest merits in Turkology, 1985)
  • Dışişleri Bakanlığı Üstün Hizmet Ödülü (Order of Merit of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, 2010)


  • Csató, Éva Á. & Ims, Gunvald & Parslow, Joakim & Thiesen, Finn & Türker, Emel (eds.): Turcological letters to Bernt Brendemoen. Oslo: Novus, 2009.
  • Csató, Éva A. & Parslow, Joakim & Türker, Emel & Wigen, Einar (eds.): Building bridges to Turkish. Essays in honor of Bernt Brendemoen. (Turcologica 116.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018.

Web links