Berthold I of Alvensleben

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Berthold I von Alvensleben († March 14, 1130 ) was Bishop of Hildesheim from 1119 until his death.


According to information in the lexicon of the Middle Ages , Berthold came from a "noble Saxon family" and had been cathedral canon since 1092 and provost of the cathedral in the diocese of Hildesheim from 1108-1109 . He belonged to the anti-imperial party in the cathedral chapter (see: Investiture Controversy ) and was elected at the initiative of the Archbishop of Mainz Adalbert I - after a request from Pope Calixt II - instead of the Electen Bruning invested by Emperor Heinrich V and elected at the end of October 1119 was confirmed by the Pope at a council in Reims . He was then connected to Lothar von Süpplingenburg after his king's election. With the help of the new order of Augustinian canons, he initiated a monastery reform policy in the diocese of Hildesheim , including in the Riechenberg monastery and by re-establishing the Backenrode monastery (now Marienrode monastery ). In 1128 he initiated the canonization of his predecessor Godehard von Hildesheim .

During the time of Bishop Berthold, the Hildesheim Cathedral was completed with the completion of the east apse, which had already been started by Bishop Hezilo .

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predecessor Office successor
Bruning Bishop of Hildesheim
Bernhard I of Hildesheim