Betonica haussknechtii

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Betonica haussknechtii
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Mint family (Lamiaceae)
Subfamily : Lamioideae
Genre : Betonien ( Betonica )
Type : Betonica haussknechtii
Scientific name
Betonica haussknechtii
(Nyman) Uechtr. ex Hausskn.

Betonica haussknechtii is a plant from the genus of Betonien ( Betonica ) within the family of Labiatae (Lamiaceae).

Differentiation from other types

This betony is actually only differentiated from the real beton by the ivory-colored corollas. The white-flowered variety of the real betonia, on the other hand, has pure white flowers.

Vegetative characteristics

Betonica haussknechtii is a perennial herbaceous plant and reaches stature heights of 15 to 70 centimeters. It forms an underground, nodular rhizome as a survival organ. The stem and the leaves stand together in a sterile leaf rosette. Leaves slightly more hairy than in Betonica officinalis , oval elongated; uppermost stem leaves 2–2.5 times as long as wide. The upright stem bears, especially in the upper part, 0.4–1.0 mm long, rearwardly directed limb hairs . However, these limb hairs are less raised at the base than in real concrete (can only be seen under the microscope).

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends from June to August. Whorl-like partial inflorescences upside down, 1–2 cm wide, the lowest (rarely several) usually clearly separated; 6–10 flowers per partial inflorescence; Calyx 7–9 mm long, slightly hairy, calyx teeth almost 2/3 as long as the calyx tube, 2–3 mm, ivory-colored crown, 12–18 mm long. Partial fruits 2.5–3.5 millimeters long and 1–2 millimeters wide.

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 16.


Betonica hausknechtii inhabits stony, dry meadows and forests. It is widespread from montane to subalpine (750–2050 m).


Greece, SE Bulgaria, N and NW Turkey.


The name is given in honor of Carl Haussknecht . Haussknecht had collected these in the Pindus and subsequently also revised taxonomically.


Synonyms for Betonica haussknechtii (Nyman) Uechtr. ex Hausskn. are: Betonica officinalis L. subsp. haussknechtii Nyman ; Stachys balcanica P.W. Ball ; Stachys haussknechtii (Nyman) Hayek , nomen illegit .; Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevisan subsp. balcanica (PW Ball) et Bhattacharjee , noun illegit; Stachys officinalis subsp. haussknechtii (Nyman) Greuter & Burdet .



  • Marianne Jeker: Taxonomic and phytochemical investigations in the genus Betonica L. (= Diss. ETH. Volume 10312). Dissertation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich 1993.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Marianne Jeker: Taxonomic and phytochemical investigations in the genus Betonica L. (= Diss. ETH. Volume 10312). Dissertation, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich 1993, p. 64
  2. Betonica haussknechtii at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  3. ^ Claus Baden: Stachys . In: Arne Strid, Kit Tan (Ed.): Mountain Flora of Greece . Volume Two. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1991, ISBN 0-7486-0207-0 , pp. 99-100
  4. Type evidence Betonica haussknechtii Botanic Garden Meise The BR Herbarium Catalog as Stachys officinalis (L.) R.Trevis subsp. balcanica (PWBall) R.Bhattacharjee
  5. ^ Claus Baden: Stachys . In: Arne Strid & Kit Tan (eds.): Mountain Flora of Greece . Volume Two. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1991, ISBN 0-7486-0207-0 , pp. 99-100