Operations management

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The operations management (or the operations manager ) is the highest technical management of a company .


It usually belongs to the second hierarchical level of a company and reports to the company's management . Since a company can consist of several companies, several management teams can be subordinate to one company management. The management is a function , the operations manager is the associated position in the company. While the management is responsible for the technical management, the company management takes over the overall management of a company. Synonym for traffic management is the mechanism (s) line .


The manager takes over as manager , the human resources management , together with control of subordinate employees . His area of ​​responsibility also includes work preparation , the organization of the work flow , process planning and the monitoring of the work equipment and production equipment assigned to his area . He is also responsible for monitoring the work and production process , occupational safety and health .

Legal issues

The model statute for own businesses in NRW extends the scope of duties of the management in § 3 to the economic management of the city ​​and municipal works , so that the manager has to apply the "care of a prudent and conscientious manager". In this way, the operations manager takes on the corporate management function.

According to Section 7 (1) of the HwO , a natural or legal person or a partnership is entered in the craft register as the owner of an establishment of a craft that is subject to authorization if the manager meets the requirements for entry in the craft register with the craft to be operated. An operations manager must determine the professional and technical design of the craft business and bear responsibility in this respect. According to this judgment, the operations manager of a legal person should lead the manual activities like a self-employed master craftsman and ensure that these activities are carried out "masterfully".


The operations manager is responsible for the technical side of the operational business . He is also responsible for the careful selection , guidance and training of workers . His responsibility can be measured retrospectively by the extent to which his department fulfills the company's goals. If the company is not spatially divided into several operations, its tasks and competencies can be equated with those of a chief operating officer .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler (Ed.), Gablers Wirtschafts-Lexikon , Volume 1, 1984, Sp. 659
  2. ^ Robert F. Heller, member of the supervisory board in public companies , 2016, o. P.
  3. BVerwGE 102, 204 , 208
  4. Alfred Kieser, Organizationstheorien , 2001, pp. 75 ff.