Betsy Brantley

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Betsy Brantley (born September 20, 1955 in Rutherfordton , North Carolina ) is an American actress .


Betsy Brantley studied acting at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London . While studying there, she was cast as Sean Connery for the film On the Edge of the Abyss . This was followed by a number of supporting roles in television series such as: NAM - Dienst in Vietnam , Second Noah or Beauty and the Beast . She was best known for the role of Neely Pritt from the film Shock Treatment . In major Hollywood productions, she mostly played only supporting roles. She played a bigger role in Havana . She was last seen in the film This Man's Life .

Betsy was married twice. First marriage to Simon Dutton and from 1989 to 1994 with Steven Soderbergh . Their daughter, Sarah Soderbergh, comes from this marriage.

Filmography (selection)

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