Betzy Kjelsberg

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Betzy Kjelsberg (1935)

Betzy Aleksandra Børresen Kjelsberg (born November 1, 1866 in Svelvik , † October 3, 1950 ) was a Norwegian suffragette and politician .

Origin and education

Kjelsberg is the daughter of skipper Thor Børresen and the Scot Jessie McGlashan. Her father died when she was six years old, leaving behind debts, and all of the family's property was put in foreclosures. The family subsequently settled in Drammen and when Betzy Kjelsberg was 12 years old, they moved to Kristiania (now Oslo ). Betzy dropped out of high school due to financial difficulties and her upcoming wedding. At the age of 19 she married the lawyer Oluf Kjelsberg, who founded a law firm in Drammen. Later she completed an apprenticeship in the field of trade.

Women's rights activist and politician

In 1883, together with the first Norwegian student, Cecilie Thoresen , she was involved in founding the Skuld discussion group, and in 1885 in founding Norsk Kvinnesaksforening . She later founded other women's associations in the southern Norwegian town of Drammen and in 1903 the first Norwegian home economics school .

In 1910, Kjelsberg became Norway's first woman factory inspector and traveled as such across the country, giving lectures at various locations, including on the hygienic conditions in factories. She carried out this work for 25 years. In the period between 1921 and 1934, she was also a frequent representative of the Norwegian government at conferences of the International Labor Organization in Geneva .

Kjelsberg was active as a politician in the Venstre party. So she also sat for two legislative terms on the city council of Drammen. She was also the first woman on the party's executive committee, to which she belonged between 1926 and 1938. In 1918 her attempt to gain a seat in the Norwegian parliament, the Storting , failed .


In 1916 she was awarded the King's Medal of Merit in Gold. Later in 1935, the Order of Saint Olav awarded her the distinction of First Class Knight for her work.


Kjelsberg is the great-grandmother of FrP politician Siv Jensen and her sister Nina Jensen , who was the general secretary of WWF in Norway.

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