Movement sequence

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The movement study The Horse in Motion by Eadweard Muybridge, recorded on June 19, 1878, shows the sequence of movements of a galloping horse with the help of series recordings
The same footage as animation

Movement sequences are coordinated , arbitrary sequences of individual movements, which are usually firmly trained. The central nervous processes on which movement processes are based are summarized under the term motor skills .

A period in the walking movement is an everyday example of a movement sequence .

Athletes and musicians train their complex movement sequences (e.g. in gymnastics ) to achieve maximum efficiency with a minimum of physical effort. Well-practiced sequences of movements are "harmonious", that is, they run smoothly and in clear lines.

Forms of disease with disturbed or completely inhibited movements are the apraxia or akinesia .


At the end of the 19th century, the photographer Eadweard Muybridge was already making anatomical studies of everyday movement sequences in humans and animals by triggering several cameras in quick succession ( series photography ). Around 2000 of these series of recordings were published and are still used today by scientists and artists as training material. The flash photography (especially with stroboscopic flashes ) and later the film expanded the possibilities for the systematic study of motion sequences, such as B. pre-exercised with the zoopraxiscope . Long-term exposures of test persons with lighting elements attached to their joints also provide information about the sequence of movements. According to the current state of the art, motion capture systems allow the creation of spatial models.

Kinematics provides suitable physical-mathematical approaches for the modeling of motion sequences .

See also

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