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Bibeb (right) 1987

Bibeb (born June 15, 1914 in Sloterdijk , † January 18, 2010 in Scheveningen ; actually Elisabeth Maria Lampe-Soutberg ) was a Dutch journalist. She became known for her interviews, which for decades were mostly published in the (at that time still) weekly newspaper Vrij Nederland .


After their early marriage, Bibeb went to the Dutch East Indies with her first husband Walther Schaper, also a journalist . During the Second World War she was detained in internment camps by the Japanese occupiers. After Bibeb had worked in the Dutch East Indies for the Sumatra Post and the Oké magazine , she returned to the Netherlands with her husband. Schaper became editor-in-chief of De Nieuwe Pers , the cooperation association of the regional editions of Het Parool , which appear outside Amsterdam , while Bibeb worked for Haagsch Dagblad , one of the regional editions of De Nieuwe Pers . She wrote travelogues and, since the early 1950s, has increasingly conducted interviews, first for De Nieuwe Pers and then for Vrij Nederland . After their divorce in 1950, she married the painter George Lampe, who later worked as a freelance art critic at Vrij Nederland for a few years and illustrated Bibeb's columns in the Haagsch Dagblad .

Bibeb's interviews, which often lasted several hours, were known to be aimed at revealing the personality of the interviewee in his life context. Bibeb generally carried out a meticulous preparation for this. The interviews became a figurehead for Vrij Nederland , the one with the then Dutch Defense Minister Henk Vredeling in the August 31, 1974 edition was so popular that 26,000 copies were reprinted.

The interviews span the years 1945–1995; Of the more than 600 interviewees at that time, around 100 were not Dutch, including people like Brigitte Bardot , Breyten Breytenbach , Truman Capote , Marc Chagall , Juliette Gréco , Federico Fellini , Marcello Mastroianni and Pablo Picasso . Although Bibeb mainly interviewed artists, she occasionally spoke with industrialists and politicians, including, for example, the Dutch Defense Minister Vredeling and his Israeli colleague Moshe Dajan . About half of the interviews were summarized in a series of volumes.


  • Bibeb in Rome , AW Bruna en Zoon, Utrecht 1957
  • Bibeb in Holland , AW Bruna en Zoon, Utrecht 1958
  • Bibeb in Parijs , AW Bruna en Zoon, Utrecht 1959
  • Bibeb in Londen , AW Bruna en Zoon, Utrecht 1959
  • Bibeb aan de Riviéra , AW Bruna en Zoon, Utrecht 1961
  • Bibeb en VIPs , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1966
  • Bibeb en other VIPs , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1967
  • De mens is een ramp voor de wereld , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1969
  • Veertien vrouwen , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1974
  • Interviews 1973/77 , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1977
  • Bibeb met ... , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1980
  • Bibeb en de kunst , Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1985


  • Adinda Akkermans & Roos Menkhorst: Bibeb. Biechtmoeder van Nederland. Querido Fosfor, Amsterdam 2017, ISBN 9789021406558 .
  • Piet Hagen: Journalists in Nederland. Een persgeschiedenis in portraits. Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam / Antwerp 2002, ISBN 90-295-2222-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jan van de Plasse: Kroniek van de Nederlandse dagblad- en opiniepers / seed gesteld by Jan van de Plasse. Red. Wim Verbei , Otto Cramwinckel Uitgever, Amsterdam 2005, ISBN 90-75727-77-1 . (Dutch; earlier edition: Jan van de Plasse, Kroniek van de Nederlandse dagbladpers , Cramwinckel, Amsterdam 1999, ISBN 90-75727-25-9 ), p. 268
  2. de Journalist : Een halve eeuw Bibeb, May 1, 1998 (Dutch)