Bilal Gumus

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Bilal Gümüs (* 1989 in Turkey ) is considered an Islamist and leading Salafist in Germany . He is co-organizer of the Koran distribution campaigns and was in several secret service reports of various state authorities for protection of the constitution mentioned by name.


Bilal Gümüs is of Kurdish origin and grew up in “socially precarious conditions” in Frankfurt-Sossenheim . At the age of 19, he was charged with attempted murder and several robberies to a term of imprisonment sentenced two and a half years. In prison he is said to have come to the Salafist interpretation of Islam.


Gümüs worked as a "networker and figurehead" for the Salafist association The True Religion (DwR) founded by Ibrahim Abou-Nagie in 2005 . Until the break with Abou-Nagie in 2016, Gümüs was considered to be his “right hand”. On behalf of Abou-Nagies, Gümüs organized the Koran distribution campaign Lies! First in the Rhine-Main area and later nationwide and throughout Europe . For years, addressing people directly during distribution campaigns was an important recruiting mechanism for the Salafist scene. The information stands are also said to have been used to radicalize interested parties and to advertise the Islamic State (IS) terrorist militia. At least 140 people should attend Lies! -Actions to have traveled to Syria or Iraq to join the terrorist militia.

Immediately after the prohibition of DwR / Lies! In November 2016, Gümüs started the distribution campaign We love Muhammad together with Pierre Vogel , in which biographies of the Islamic prophet are distributed.


At the beginning of March 2018, Gümüs was arrested at Frankfurt Airport while trying to travel to Turkey on the basis of an arrest warrant that had existed since the beginning of February of the same year . On the same day he was brought before the judge, who finally ordered pre- trial detention . The allegation was aiding and abetting a serious act of violence endangering the state. In autumn 2013, Gümüs is said to have organized the departure of a sixteen-year-old schoolboy to participate as an Islamist fighter in the Syrian civil war. The student died in fighting in Syria in 2014.

On April 9, 2018, based on the indictment under Section 89a of the Criminal Code (preparation of a serious act of violence that endangers the state) , criminal proceedings against Gümüs were opened at the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court . After 20 days of the main hearing, he was sentenced on December 7, 2018 by the 27th criminal division of the Frankfurt am Main regional court to imprisonment of three years and six months. The judgment is not yet final , the defense announced a revision (as of December 7, 2018).

In January 2020, the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main overturned the regional court's arrest warrant and arranged for Gümüs to be released from pre-trial detention, as the regional court did not accelerate the proceedings after the verdict was pronounced , but instead promoted the continuation of the appeal proceedings by one Delayed period of several months. The debate about the release from pre-trial detention due to the formal error reached the Hessian state parliament in the week after the release and was received as an indication that the Hessian courts were apparently overburdened.

Individual evidence

  1. Daniel Gräber: Several proceedings against alleged terrorist supporters . In: Frankfurter Neue Presse . March 7, 2018, accessed February 17, 2019.
  2. Among others:
  3. ^ A b Danijel Majic: Setback for proselytizing . In: Frankfurter Rundschau . March 15, 2018, accessed February 17, 2019.
  4. Sasan Abdi-Herrle, Saskia Nothofer, Benjamin Breitegger: fanatics in Germany's pedestrian zones . In: The time. November 15, 2016, accessed February 17, 2019.
  5. Police arrest former Koran distributors at Frankfurt Airport . In: . March 3, 2018, accessed February 17, 2019.
  6. ^ Trial against former Quran distributors in Frankfurt . In: , April 9, 2018, accessed on February 17, 2019.
  7. ^ Daniel Gräber: Salafist scene: 16-year-olds sent to their deaths . In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. March 6, 2018, accessed February 17, 2019.
  8. ^ Sigrid Herrmann-Marschall : judgment of Bilal Gümüs . In: Forward and Don't Forget: Islamism and Society. (Blog by Sigrid Herrmann-Marschall), December 7, 2018, accessed on February 17, 2019.
  9. Volker Siefert: 16-year-olds sent into civil war: three and a half years imprisonment . In: , December 7, 2018, accessed on February 17, 2019.
  10. ^ Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main cancels the arrest warrant against Bilal G. Higher Regional Court Frankfurt am Main, press release No. 03/2020, January 10, 2020, accessed on January 14, 2020.
  11. ^ Hanning Voigts: Case Bilal G .: Opposition criticizes Justice Minister Kühne-Hörmann. In: Frankfurter Rundschau , January 15, 2020, accessed on January 17, 2020.