Bimmel and bobble

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Bimmel and Bommel are two hand puppets that caricatured educational children's television of the 1980s such as Die Sendung mit der Maus or Sesame Street . They were invented by Peter Rütten , initially played by Harald Schmidt .

Bimmel and Bommel initially appeared regularly in the SAT.1 broadcast Die Harald Schmidt Show (1995-2003). Here they explained letters of the alphabet to the audience, the attraction being that unsuitable words were used, such as the words insane asylum , incest and isolation torture for the letter "I." At the end of each presentation Bimmel Bommel was always his favorite characters - the good A . In addition, a new letter was introduced during their performances, the "Gnatz", as in Gnatzelle or Gnatzionalhymne.

In one issue they appeared in a parody of What Am I? With.

In addition, the two characters, who were embodied by old socks, were the title heroes of a computer game ( Bummeln mit Bimmel und Bommel ) that was released in 2000 and was classified as "not suitable for minors", as well as a DVD for sale entitled Das gute A (2000) .

Last let Harald Schmidt, the two hand puppets roles in his musical processing of Shakespeare - drama Hamlet , which in the 2008/2009 season at the State Theater Stuttgart ran accept. Here Bimmel and Bommel explained the action in "Die Mausefalle" to the audience.

Words used (selection)

  • A : Cyclamen , assassination, amputation, discharge, car accident, Alzheimer's, atomic bomb, eye cancer
  • B : leg amputation, diarrhea, hemorrhage, funeral, bomb alarm, civil war, shot in the abdomen, breast cramps
  • C : Convertible drivers, cellulite , Champions League, Chemnitz , chloracne, persecution of Christians, cunnilingus, chemotherapy, character pig, call girl ring
  • D : doping, steam iron, dioxin, ladies' toilet, roll-on deodorant, drug milieu, glandular swelling, intestinal obstruction, disco brawl, dildo, jet hunter crash
  • E : Earthquake, epilepsy, subsistence level, vomit, train accident, excrement, incapacity for work, pus fistula, ovarian inflammation
  • Q : slut, boils, cremation, final rescue shot, air raid alarm, torture bench, fish poisoning, cunt slicer
  • G : gas explosion, biliary colic, mesentery, desecration of graves, genocide , glass eye, brain tumor, genital inflammation
  • H : smear campaign, Hiroshima , testicular cancer, meningitis, famine, herpes labialis , witch burning, helicopter accident
  • I : Insufficiency, innards, insane asylum, inquisition , source of infection, intensive care unit, incest , isolation torture
  • J : Junkie, hymen, broken cheekbone, cesspool, Jürgen, hunting accident, Yom Kippur war , boy's underpants
  • K : War, castration, circulatory collapse, carbon monoxide poisoning, nuclear explosion, climatic catastrophe, carcinoma, clitoral inflammation
  • L : Desecration of corpses, garnishment of wages, symptoms of paralysis, country books , lung cancer, lynching, aerial warfare, leather fagot
  • M : Anorexia , metastasis , masturbation , girl trafficker , pile-up , Mola Adebisi , assassination, malaria, cunt cramp
  • N : Inflammation of the nail bed, urgency, getting naked, sinus ulceration, renal colic, nipple clamp, nitroglycerine , Nazi pigs, noodle inflammation
  • O : Eastern front, autopsy, homeless asylum, lying on top, organ failure, ear cancer, otze, onarning cramps
  • P : Poitch, Pearl Harbor , plague, police murder, puffmother, prostate cancer, parking garage robbery, pissnot, pol pot , cock scab
  • Q : ricochets , bruises , quarter drunkards , Q-Qlux-Klan , quota hooker, quantum smell, torment, quiz master balls, quarkarsch
  • R : Radical decree, robbery, reactor disaster, Russian mafia, mad cow disease , giant clown, Red Army faction, rosette fire
  • S : Stalingrad, shortbread cookies, syphilis, bag rats, sodomy, suicide, sperm staining, vaginal cramp
  • T : Tellermine , tits, death row, gym bag, rubble queen, sanatorium for drinking, terrorist attack, total operation
  • U : Subway accident, fornication, oppression, Udo Lattek , lower leg amputation, forgery of documents, escape from an accident, UÇK , infertility, pelvic inflammation
  • V : Prison , prostate gland, indigestion, constriction of the foreskin, traffic accident, Vietnam War , voyeurism, V2 , volcanic eruption, vagina odor
  • W : World War, cyclone damage, corpse in the water, women pack, Wolfsschanze, widow's pension, attempted resuscitation, tetanus, wobbly tits
  • X : knock knees, xenocracy, Xantippenfotze,
  • Y : Yak poop, yoghurt munch, Yorkshire terrier pudding, Yankee balls, Yeti pies, yoga cunt
  • Z : cyst, pimp, bleeding gums, penitentiary, dwarf dick, train wreck, zebra tickler, duodenal cancer, cyclops cunt

See also

Single receipts

  1. Interview with Mauel Andrack in the DVD box "The Harald Schmidt Show - The Next Hundred Years" or the Blu-ray box "A lot of the best from two hundred years" Quote: ""
  2. Shoot Bimmel with Bommel . July 14, 2000. Retrieved March 31, 2015.
  3. Bimmel & Bommel - Das Gute A! (DVD) . July 14, 2000. Retrieved March 31, 2015.
  4. ^ Harald Schmidt in "Hamlet" -Musical - Bimmel and Bommel in Helsingör . May 17, 2000. Retrieved March 31, 2015.