Bob Doris

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Bob Doris

Bob Doris (born May 11, 1973 in the Vale of Leven region ) is a Scottish politician and member of the Scottish National Party (SNP).


Doris attended the University of Glasgow , which he graduated with a Masters degree in Social Sciences. He then acquired a license to teach and worked as a history teacher from 1995.

Political career

In the Scottish parliamentary elections in 2007 , Doris ran for the constituency of Glasgow Maryhill , but could not prevail against the Labor candidate Patricia Ferguson . Since Doris was also on the top ranks of the SNP's electoral list for the electoral region of Glasgow , he moved into parliament as one of four SNP politicians as a representative of the electoral region as a result of the election result . As part of the constituency reform, the constituency of Glasgow Maryhill was dissolved in 2011 and largely replaced by the expanded constituency of Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn . For this Doris ran in the parliamentary elections in 2011 , but was again defeated by Ferguson. Together with Humza Yousaf , he moved into parliament as one of two SNP candidates for the Glasgow electoral region. By winning votes, Doris won the direct mandate for Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn in the 2016 general election .

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the pages of the Scottish Parliament
  2. a b Biographical information ( Memento of December 8, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Results of the 2007 general election on the Scottish Parliament website.
  4. Results of the 2007 general election on the Scottish Parliament website.
  5. Results of the 2011 general election on the Scottish Parliament website.
  6. ^ Results of the 2011 general election on the website of the Scottish Parliament.
  7. Results of the 2016 general election on the Scottish Parliament website.

Web links