Bogislav von Heyden-Linden (Major General)

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Bogislav von Heyden-Linden, 1901

Bogislav von Heyden-Linden (born June 12, 1853 in Neusommersdorf , † February 10, 1909 in Marienloh ) was one of the most popular German riders of his time, major general and wing adjutant of Emperor Wilhelm II. In Berlin he was known by the nickname "Puschke" .


Bogislav von Heyden-Linden was the son of August von Heyden-Linden (1813–1881) and his second wife Rosalie Freiin von Maltzahn (1827–1890). His stepbrothers were Wilhelm von Heyden-Linden and Carl von Heyden-Linden .

After several years in the cadet corps , he joined the Zieten Hussar Regiment in Rathenow in 1871 with the rank of ensign . From 1887 he belonged to the Uhlan Regiment No. 13 in Hanover , which he led from 1899. He was appointed wing adjutant to the emperor in 1900. In 1902 he was promoted to colonel. From 1904 to 1908 he commanded the 2nd Guards Cavalry Brigade, most recently with the rank of major general.

Bogislav von Heyden-Linden was a passionate gentleman rider all his life . He achieved his first successes in the 1870s. Within 20 years he won the Baden “Great Army Hunting Race ” five times , at that time the most famous and most difficult hunting race in Germany. In 1879 he was German amateur rider champion with 24 victories. In 1902 he won the "Hoppegarten Army".

Bogislav was married to Countess Elisabeth von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg (1865–1961) since 1892 . The daughter Rosalia (* 1894) and the sons Josef (* 1895), Bogislav (* 1898) and Wilhelm (* 1905) emerged from the marriage. He founded a Catholic line of the von Heyden-Linden family. His son of the same name broke off his military career to become an actor as Bogislav von Heyden .


  • Harald von Heyden: Constantly changing. Reports from six generations of the von Heyden / von Heyden-Linden family from 1800–1989. Heyden'sche Family Foundation (ed.), Borgwedel.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andres Winkler: On the 100th anniversary of the death of General Bogislav von Heyden-Linden. In: Heimatbrief Marienloh 2009. St. Sebastian Schützenbruderschaft Marienloh, January 2009, pp. 10–15 , accessed on August 12, 2014 .
  2. Champions since 1827 for GER