Bonaventure Breunig

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Bonaventura Breunig , born August Wendelin Breunig , (* 17th August 1905 in Grombach ; † 2. March 1979 in Mbongolowane , Zululand ) was Benedictine - missionary in Africa .


Breunig was the son of a farmer, attended elementary school in Grombach and then the grammar school in Dillingen an der Donau , where he joined the novitiate choir in 1923 . He received his profession on May 14, 1928 in the Archabbey of St. Ottilien near Munich and was ordained a priest there on March 26, 1933. Among his eight siblings were the brothers Edmund and Friedrich, who also embarked on a spiritual career in St. Ottilien at the end of the 1930s, but then both died as medical soldiers in World War II .

On April 2, 1934, Breunig was sent to East Africa, where he initially worked in the Peramiho area, where Pirmin Fleck, also from Grombach, also worked. After mastering the local language, he became a chaplain in Matimira , and from 1939 he headed the re-establishment of the Ligera mission station , which was later taken over by Fleck. In 1940 he was evacuated to the Kilimanjaro area due to the changed geopolitical situation due to the Second World War, which had broken out in the meantime , where he worked in the Uru and Mbugwe stations . After he supports two Italians in their escape, he was by the British because of escape aid into internment Andalusia located in South Africa. In 1945 he was transferred to the Baviaanspoort camp in Southern Rhodesia. From 1947 he worked again as a missionary in various stations in Zululand. In 1948 he was in Fatima, 1952 in Eshowe , 1953 in Entabeni , 1955 in Gonzaga and later in Cassino. From 1968 to 1978 he headed the Gezahlale station , then moved to Mbongolowane, where he died after a long and serious illness.


  • Gudrun Graipel / Arnold Scheuerbrandt: Breunig, August Wendelin . In: Grunbach uff dem Creichgöw . Edition Fetzer, Edingen-Neckarhausen 2010, ISBN 978-3-940968-06-7 , 2010, pp. 299/300 and 535/536.