Bonaventure Faller

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Bonaventura Stürzer OCist / OCSO (born July 16, 1848 in Hippach , Tyrol , † March 18, 1930 in Rome ) was a Cistercian monk and general procurator of the Cistercians of the strict observance (Trappists).


His father was a customs officer; the treasury of the financial guard made it possible for the family to send their son (baptized Ludwig) to Mehrerau to the Cistercian boarding school on Lake Constance. He entered Mehrerau Abbey on November 21, 1866 and was ordained a priest there on May 14, 1871. Studies in Rome followed, where he had done the work in a few months, on December 13, 1880, as Dr. theol. to get a doctorate. Then Stürzer taught at the Collegium Sancti Bernardi , the monastery school of Mehrerau. His personal qualities and qualifications soon earned him several assignments. He was registrar from 1873 to 1881 and librarian from 1879 to 1881. From 1882 to 1895 he was novice master and theology professor at the theological home school of the abbey.

In 1888 Stürzer began an exchange of letters with personalities from La Trappe Abbey ; For four years he corresponded with the Abbot of La Trappe. In the summer of 1894 he first visited the French monastery. His conversion to the Trappists took place in 1898; that year he transferred his profession to La Trappe. In 1905 he moved to Rome to work in the Trappist General Curia . He was procurator general from 1908 to 1913, which is why he had to continue to reside in Rome. His busy life came to an end in Rome; there he was buried in the cemetery of the Trappist monastery Tre Fontane .


In the Cistercienser Chronik he published an edition of the Institutio Religiosorum Tironum Cisterciensium, the Drey Raisen after Cistertz and several partly unsigned obituaries for confreres from the Mehrerau.


  • Gregor Müller: [Necrolog Dom Bonaventura Stürzer] . In: Cistercienser Chronik , 42 (1930), pp. 152–157 and 183–188.
  • Hermann M. Herzog: Cistercians between law and spirit. Sebastien Wyart, Bonaventura Stürzer, Alexis Presse and Vitus Recke . In: Cistercienser Chronik, 119 (2012), pp. 361–376.

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