Borassus akeassii

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Borassus akeassii
Two ripe fruits of Borassus akeassii

Two ripe fruits of Borassus akeassii

Order : Palm- like arecales
Family : Palm family (Arecaceae)
Subfamily : Coryphoideae
Tribe : Borasseae
Genre : Borassus
Type : Borassus akeassii
Scientific name
Borassus akeassii
Bayton , Ouédr. & Guinko

Borassus akeassii is a species of the genus Borassus that has been known for several decades, but was only described in 2006. The specific epithet refers to the Ivorian botanist Laurent Aké Assi .

Borassus aakeassii with the faidherbia albida ( Faidherbia albida ) in Burkina Faso
Landscape with Borassus Palms 1906


It is a dioecious, up to 15 m high palm with an unbranched gray trunk, on which the leaf scars are clearly visible. The palmate leaves are 1.5–3 m long and blue-green in color. The male inflorescences are up to 80 cm long, the female reach 110 cm. B. akeassii differs from B. aethiopum , the other West African species of the genus, among other things by its dark green fruits.


Borassus akeassii occurs in Benin , Burkina Faso , Ivory Coast , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Senegal , Tanzania and in the Central African Republic .


The use includes the production of palm wine, the consumption of seedlings as vegetables and the use of the leaves for mats, fans, hats and other wickerwork.


  • Ross P. Bayton, Amadé Ouédraogo, Sita Guinko: "The genus Borassus (Arecaceae) in West Africa, with a description of a new species from Burkina Faso." in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , Vol. 150, No. 4, April 2006, pp. 419-427 (9), 2006. (abstract)
  • Exact description of the species at (PDF file; 255 kB)

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