Boyle Finniss

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Boyle Finniss

Boyle Travers Finniss ( August 18, 1807 - December 24, 1893 ) was the first Prime Minister of South Australia and ruled from October 24, 1856 to August 20, 1857.


In 1864, the government of South Australia commissioned Finnis to explore the Northern Territory coast and select a capital for the Northern Territory. William Patrick Auld and Frederick Henry Litchfield were involved in this expedition. Finniss established a settlement in Escape Cliffs , near the mouth of the Adelaide River . This choice has been criticized by many. He also had problems with his officers' insubordination and was not particularly popular with his crew. His expeditions, which were initially accompanied by Frederick Henry Litchfield and later led, were often inadequately equipped. His relationship with the Aborigines was bad. Because of these problems, he was soon ordered back. In May 1866 he successfully defended himself before a parliamentary committee of inquiry on the charges.


The Finniss River in South Australia is named after him.