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Representation of Carl Wahlbom (1810-1858)

Bragi (from old north. Bragr , "the noblest", "chief", "prince", "poetry") is the god of poetry in Nordic mythology , who greets the fallen heroes in Valhalla . He is a son of Odin and belongs to the Aesir . He is married to Idun .

Since Bragi is not explicitly mentioned as a god before the 12th century, it seems reasonable to see in him a late deification of the skald Bragi Boddason the old , who lived in the 9th century. Snorri inserted some stanzas of the Ragnarsdrápa he wrote into the Edda . In addition, some individual stanzas from him have survived.


Web links

Commons : Bragi  - collection of images, videos and audio files