Brandenburg summer concerts

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The Brandenburg Summer Concerts are a music festival that takes place annually from mid-June to mid-September at historical venues in Brandenburg . Since 1990 the concert series "Classics on the Country Party" has combined classical concerts with a touristic program accompanying cultural excursions. Since it was founded, the Brandenburg Summer Concerts have held over 700 performances at more than 200 different venues in Brandenburg.


The Brandenburg Summer Concerts music festival was founded in 1990 by Werner Martin in Berlin . The initial idea of ​​the festival was to combine the residents of West Berlin with exploring the Berlin area, as well as the state of Brandenburg , with a cultural event, as they were only able to visit the state to a limited extent before the fall of the Wall. In 1991 the festival started with seven events. Today around 30 concerts are given as part of the Brandenburg Summer Concerts. Every year there are well over 100 events for which more than 20,000 tickets are sold. In 2009 and 2016, the Brandenburg Summer Concerts were awarded the Brandenburg State Tourism Prize for their overall concept, the impact on regional tourism and the national impact.


The artistic program of the Brandenburg Summer Concerts focuses on a mix of internationally known soloists and ensembles, long-term collaborations with Brandenburg orchestras and the promotion of young artists. Artists included Vladimir Ashkenazy , Riccardo Chailly , Barbara Hendricks , Olli Mustonen , Lars Vogt , Albrecht Mayer , and Trevor Pinnock as guests as well as ensembles and orchestras such as the German Symphony Orchestra Berlin , The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields , the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig , Il Giardino Armonico and the Kremerata Baltica . In addition to the concerts, the concept of the “classics on a country party” includes, above all, the supporting programs. The visitor learns something about the region through guided tours of the castle, village and museum, boat trips in the Spreewald , Kremser rides through the Prignitz , musical steamer parties, visits to monuments and historical parks as well as themed tours through nature reserves, including readings. The venues include churches as well as monasteries, castles, natural and industrial monuments. Cooperation with the parishes at the concert venue is also important. The host communities organize the cake buffet, which is open to visitors in advance of the concert. a. serve regional specialties. The Brandenburg Summer Concerts are involved in monument protection . Not only does the proceeds from the coffee tables benefit a monument protection project of the organizing community.


In terms of structure, the Brandenburg Summer Concerts consist of a non-profit GmbH, which is responsible for the planning and implementation of the festival, as well as its sole partner, the “Brandenburg Summer Concerts eV” association. The association's board consists of z. Z. six people who exercise the office on an honorary basis. The artistic planning is carried out in cooperation between the artistic director Joachim Pliquett and the office (gGmbH). Constanze Büchner is the managing director of Brandenburgische Sommerkonzerte gGmbH. The patron of the Brandenburg Summer Concerts is the Prime Minister of Brandenburg Ditmar Woidke. Since it was founded, the Brandenburg Summer Concerts have been financed without public support through ticket income, sponsorship of companies and foundations, and donations from private sources.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frederik Hanssen: “Lob der Landpartie”, in: Tagesspiegel of March 28, 2010, p. 31.
  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from March 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /