Brown sate apple

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Brown sate apple
Malus Brauner Matapfel 4602.jpg
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
known since 1600
List of apple varieties

The brown mate apple is one of the oldest cultivated apple varieties (Malus domestica) that are still known today . The name mat comes from the old Germanic word for food or dish . It is known by other names, including Badischer Brauner , Echter Kohlapfel , Maedapfel , Mohrenapfel , Schwarzlicher , Schmiedeapfel , Unterländer Apfel and Schwarzer Matapfel .

The apple variety used to be widespread in the field of orchards in southwest Germany , today it is rarely found.

The apple is medium-sized and unevenly structured. The base color of the shell is yellow-green, on the sunny side it is almost completely covered with dark purple, on the shadow side with light red color. The pulp is initially firm and yellowish green, later yellowish white.

The brown mate apple is ready for harvest at the beginning of October, ready for consumption from December and can be stored until May. It is mainly used as an industrial apple for pressing .

The trees reach a very old age, they are resistant to diseases and pests and only have low demands on the soil. They are also suitable for high altitudes. The yield starts late but is then plentiful and regular.


Web links

Commons : Brauner Matapfel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bavarian State Agency for Agriculture, LfL-Information Streuobst ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 2.2 MB), 13th edition September 2014, Chapter 8
  2. ^ Hjalmar Falk , August Fick , Alf Torp , Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit , Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979, ISBN 978-3-525-26405-8 , p. 305