Brigitta (film)

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German title Brigitta
Original title Brigitta
Country of production Germany , Hungary
original language German / Hungarian
Publishing year 1994
length 80 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Dagmar Knöpfel
script Dagmar Knöpfel
production Dagmar Knöpfel
music Lajo's resident
camera Gurbán Miklós
cut Dagmar Knöpfel

Brigitta is a film by Dagmar Knöpfel from 1994. The independent production, which was made without television participation, was shot exclusively on original locations in Hungary.


Around 1860, the young painter Florian set out to visit his friend in Hungary. A completely new life opens up to him on the way. He is spellbound by the beauties of nature that he captures in his drawings. So he gives himself time to go; only after detours does he reach his friend's secluded estate. This apparently lives happily in his solitude. But over time his secret penetrates the outside world, and the painter insists on its dissolution.


The film is based on the novel of the same name by Adalbert Stifter . Brigitta is a story from Stifter's studies : Conjuring the world of the Austro-Hungarian border region. The novella experienced numerous publications in collections and individual editions.


"(...) The film is very reminiscent of the works of the French director Eric Rohmer , with his relaxed conversations, deep truths, drawn from small events and a general optimism about human nature."

"With her first major film, Dagmar Knöpfel shows that cinema is not a melodramatic art of storytelling, that the main thing here is not to forget how to look: the grace of patience, the gentle but precise look."

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Variety, April 18, 1994
  2. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung, February 2, 1995