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The Brocarda (also Brocardica ) were collections of brief legal arguments, which the medieval jurists in Bologna put together as an aid for litigation. In doing so, they compared arguments and counter-arguments in particular, and substantiated them with evidence. Since 1180 they have also been handed down in scripts that can be assigned to individual authors. Among the important Brocarda collections are the oldest: the anonymous canonical Brocarda de praesumptionibus “Hic locus in iudiciis” , the Libellus disputatorius of Pilius and the Brocardica Dolum per subsequentia purgari (probably by Otto Papiensis ). Important more recent Brocardica collections are: the second version of the Libellus disputatorius by Pilius (around 1195), the Brocardica of Richardus Anglicus (before 1198), the Brocardica aurea of Azo (before 1204/09) and the Brocardica of Damasus of Hungary (1210/15 ).

The term is also used for the Decretum , the canonical law collection of Burchard of Worms (1025 †), used that French and Italians for the name of the author Brocardica or Brocardicorum opus called ( Brocard - metathesis , medieval Latin brocardum or brocardicum . See Roland > Orlando ). However, it is derived from broccus for "protruding (from the teeth of animals)", vulgar Latin * brocca , and Romansh for "spit". The Brocardica were "litigation weapons" in Bolognese legal jargon.

See also


  • Albert Lang: On the history of the origins of the Brocarda collections , in: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History: Canonical Department , Vol. 31, 1942, pp. 106–141.
  • Peter Weimar : Brocarda / Brocardica , in: Handwortbuch der Rechtsgeschichte , Vol. 1, 2008, Sp. 685–686. online excerpt
  • Peter Weimar: Brocarda / Brocardica , in: Lexikon des Mittelalters Volume 2, Sp. 707–708.
  • Peter Weimar: Brocarda / Brocardica in: Handbook of sources and literature of the new European history of private law , ed. von Helmut Coing , Vol. 1: Middle Ages 1100-1500 The learned rights and legislation , Munich 1973, pp. 143f., 237-241.
  • Stephan Kuttner : Réflexions sur les Brocards des Glossateurs . In: Mélanges Joseph de Ghellinck , Gembloux 1951, pp. 767–792

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. broccardo. Vocabolario on line. In: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana , accessed March 4, 2019 . brocardicum. In: ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ. University of Chicago , accessed March 1, 2019 .
  2. BROCHE. Center national de ressources textuelles et lexicales (France), accessed March 2, 2019 . Gerhard Köbler : Target dictionary of European legal history . 5th edition. Works-on-Law and Linguistics-Verlag, Gießen / Lahn 2009, ISBN 978-3-88430-078-7 , entry "Brocarda or Brocardica" ( [accessed on March 2, 2019]).