Browallia speciosa

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Browallia speciosa
Browallia speciosa Marine Bells 0zz.jpg

Browallia speciosa

Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Browallia
Type : Browallia speciosa
Scientific name
Browallia speciosa

Browallia speciosa is a plant type from the genus Browallia in the family of the nightshade family (Solanaceae).


Browallia speciosa is an upright or climbing herbaceous plant that reaches heights of growth of 70 cm. The stems are hairy with short, simple and mostly forward-facing trichomes . The leaves are usually up to 6 (rarely up to 9) cm long and ovoid or elliptical. They are pointed towards the front, briefly pointed or blunted at the base. The leaf margins are whole or almost whole, slightly curved upwards on the petiole . The upper side is sparsely hairy with simple trichomes, the underside is finely haired along the leaf veins. The leaf stalks are about 1/4 as long as the leaf blades .

The flower stalks are hairless and only about 7 mm long, but extend to 3 to 4 cm on the fruit. The showy flowers have a 5 to 10 cm long calyx . This has a few hairs on the corners. The calyx tube is inflated so that it appears like a bubble with five distinct angles. About 1/3 of the length of the calyx make up the calyx lobes, which are pointed triangular in shape and bent inwards to form the corolla tube. The crown is shaped like a saucer, blue, mauve or white and often has an irregularly shaped white eye. The corolla tube is 20 to 30 mm long, hairless on the inside, finely haired on the outside with short, upright, multicellular and often colored trichomes. The foremost cell of these trichomes is clear and needle-like.

Usually there are four stamens and one staminodium in a flower , but occasionally five fertile stamens are formed. The stamens of the upper two stamens are green and hairy at the tip with long, dense, colored and branched trichomes. The lower stamens are shorter and have rotating stamens. The anthers are yellow to purple in color. The ovary is hairless, slightly angled and 3 mm long.

The fruit is a capsule fruit that reaches a diameter of 2 cm when ripe. It is enclosed by the chalice that is becoming membranous.


The species is found in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador.


  • WG D'Arcy: Family 170: Solanaceae . In: Robert E. Woodson, Jr., Robert W. Schery (Eds.): Flora of Panama , Part IX, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Volume 60, Number 3, 1973. Pages 573-780

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Browallia on the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved November 28, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Browallia speciosa  - collection of images, videos and audio files