Bruce Irons

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Bruce Irons (born October 6, 1924 in Southampton , † December 5, 1983 in Calgary ) was a Canadian engineer, known for contributions to the finite element method .

Irons went to school in Southampton and studied physics at University College Southampton, graduating in 1944. He received his doctorate from the University of Wales at Swansea and taught there and at the University of Calgary .

He created patch tests and frontal solvers at FEM and the concept of isoparametric elements (with Ian C. Taig).

After he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis , he committed suicide.

In 1974 he received the Von Karman Award. A scholarship at the University of Calgary is named after him.


  • with Ahmad Sorab: Techniques of Finite Elements, Chichester: Ellis Horwood 1980


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Irons Scholarship, University of Calgary