Bruno Barilli

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Bruno Barilli (born December 14, 1880 in Fano , † April 15, 1952 in Rome ) was an Italian composer , writer and journalist .


Barille studied at the Parma Conservatory . From 1901 he continued his training in Munich with Felix Mottl (orchestra conductor), Viktor Gluth and Ludwig Thuille (composition). Between 1912 and 1915 he wrote reports about the Balkan Wars for the Tribuna , the Corriere della sera and the Resto del Carlino . His operas Medusa (1914, premiered 1938) and Emiral (1915) were also written during this period .

In 1919 Barilli went to Rome, where he was one of the founders of the La Ronda magazine . In addition, he wrote for the magazine L'Italia Letteraria and wrote a number of portraits of artist friends such as Eleuterio Riccardi , Amerigo Bartoli , Massimo Campigli and Scipione . The book Il paese del melodramma , published in 1931, contained a series of stories that also dealt with artist friends. The book Parigi (1938) was illustrated by his daughter, the painter Milena Barilli .

Other literary works are Delirama (1924), Il sorcio nel violino (1926), Il sole in trappola (1941), Il viaggiatore volante (1946), La lotteria clandestina (1948), Capricci di vegliardo (1951) and Lo stivale (posthumous 1952) and Il libro dei viaggi (posthumously 1963).
