Bruno Hohlfeld

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Bruno Hohlfeld (born March 21, 1862 in Freiwaldau , Silesia, † January 18, 1917 ) was an academic portrait painter .


Hohlfeld studied at the Academy in Weimar and Antwerp and was a student of Linnig from 1882 to 1884 and of Charles Verlat from 1884 to 1886 . His painting style was strongly influenced by the works of the Spanish painter Velázquez , which is why Salzburg society valued him as a talented portraitist.

  • He was vice-president of the Salzburg Art Association.
  • On January 29, 1904, he married the writer Dora Hohlfeld in London and settled with her in Gnigl near Salzburg .
  • He took his own life on January 18, 1917.
