Bruno Thomauske

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Bruno Thomauske (2011)

Bruno Thomauske (born October 15, 1949 in Oppenau ) is a German physicist , manager and professor.


Thomauske studied physics and in 1983 with a thesis on the elastic neutron-nucleus scattering at high energies and small momentum transfers at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg doctorate .

From 1978 to 1980 Thomauske worked for the European nuclear research center CERN in Geneva.

Authority activity

From 1983 to 2003 Thomauske worked for the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), where he dealt with the final storage of radioactive waste. In 1988 he became head of the “ Gorleben project ”. From 1991 to 1997 Thomauske headed the project management department for repository projects. In 1997 he became head of the department and in 1999 head of the department "Repository Projects, Operations" at the BfS. During this time he was also a member of the AkEnd working group set up by the federal government , which was supposed to find a suitable repository for highly radioactive waste in the Federal Republic.

From 2014 to 2016, as a representative of science, he was a member of the Commission for the Storage of Highly Radioactive Waste (Repository Commission) in accordance with Section 3 of the Site Selection Act .


In the autumn of 2003, Thomauske moved from the BfS to the Vattenfall energy group and became the technical director of Vattenfall Europe Nuclear Energy GmbH. His move from a position in which he was jointly responsible for nuclear licenses for the operators of nuclear plants (including his future employer Vattenfall) to the management of Vattenfall was partially criticized because conflicts of interest between the old and new positions could not be ruled out. In this context, Thomauske was directly associated with the term “personified atomic felt” in several media.

As managing director of the Vattenfall atomic energy division, Bruno Thomauske was a member of the editorial board of the magazine atw (Atomwirtschaft).

Vattenfall released Thomauske on July 16, 2007. His employer accused him of having, after the incidents in June / July 2007 in the Krümmel and Brunsbüttel nuclear power plants, informed the nuclear authorities and the public late and incompletely about the background to the incidents. The President of the German Atomic Forum, Walter Hohlefelder, described Vattenfall's information policy as "devastating". Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel welcomed Thomauske's dismissal. From his point of view, he had “no interest in clarification” and was a representative of a “bunker mentality”.

University activity

Since December 2008 Thomauske has been a university professor for the nuclear fuel cycle at the Faculty of Georesources and Materials Technology at RWTH Aachen University .

In August 2010 it became known that Thomauske would carry out a preliminary safety analysis for the planned Gorleben repository by the end of 2012 on behalf of the Federal Environment Ministry. In this context, Thomauske's close biographical connection to the nuclear industry in connection with a scientific task requiring neutrality was viewed critically in several media.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. , page 549
  2. cf. z. B. ATOM - Merkel's Altlast ,, October 20, 2008 , The personified atomic felt . In: taz , 10. February 2006 .
  3. ^ Nuclear energy: The members of the Vattenfall Commission ,, July 27, 2007 .
  4. cf. Vattenfall fires German nuclear chief . In: Spiegel Online . July 16, 2007
  5. cf. Krümmel investigations - atomic lobby criticizes Vattenfall's information policy as devastating ,, July 17, 2007
  6. cf. z. B. Environment Minister Gabriel welcomes Thomauske's sacking ,, July 16, 2007 .
  7. cf. z. B. Ex-nuclear repository manager to write Gorleben report ,, August 4, 2010 , Gorleben ex-nuclear lobbyist becomes appraiser ,, August 4, 2010 , and breakdown manager is working on safety analysis: atomic felt at Gorleben repository ,, August 4, 2010 .