Bulatamai barbel

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Bulatamai barbel
Drawing of a Bulatamai barbel

Drawing of a Bulatamai barbel

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Luciobarbus
Type : Bulatamai barbel
Scientific name
Luciobarbus capito
( Güldenstädt , 1773)

The Bulatamai barbel or Turkestan barbel ( Luciobarbus capito ), called усач туркестанский in Russian, سس ماهي Sassmahi in Persian and Кадимки ит мурун in Kyrgyzstan, is a large species of Eurasian barbel.


The Bulatamai barbel differs from other species of the genus Barbus and Luciobarbus on the Caspian Sea in that the predorsal length exceeds the postdorsal length. The dorsal fin consists of 8½ branched fin rays. The fish has 12 to 18 gill plates. The back is pressed together like a keel between the head and the base of the back. There are 52 - 72 scales on the sidelines. The middle flap of skin is missing on the lower lip. It has the following fin formula : dorsal 8-8, anal 5. Four barbels are arranged around the lower mouth. It can be clearly distinguished from other barbel species using biometric parameters. The Bulatamai barbel is usually 65 centimeters long, in exceptional cases even up to 105 centimeters. A fish of this length weighing around 15 kilograms was caught in the Caucasian Kura River in Azerbaijan.


The Bulatamai barbel occurs in Eastern Europe and the Middle East and Central Asia . You can find them in Afghanistan , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Georgia , Iran , Kyrgyzstan , Kazakhstan , Russia , Turkmenistan , Turkey and Uzbekistan . Their distribution area extends from the Caspian Basin along the Caspian Sea , from the Volga south to the Atrak in Iran. Along the Aral Sea in Amur Darya , Syr Darya and Tschüi in Kyrgyzstan.

Way of life

The species shows a more or less pronounced migration behavior. If it is enclosed in reservoirs, this behavior is no longer manifest. Juveniles as well as adults feed on small animals, detritus, plant material and small fish, while the larvae feed on zooplankton and benthic invertebrates . At spawning time, the fish seek out the lower reaches of rivers and spawn on sandy or gravel bottoms, usually in very strong oxygenated currents. The non-migratory populations do not break up until late summer to autumn and spawn in the spring of next year. This happens until shortly before the spawning season in the tributaries or in lakes and reservoirs, here the sexually mature animals also spawn on sandy and muddy soil.


The Bulatamai barbel is an edible fish. It is investigated to what extent the fish species is suitable for pond farming.


The Bulatamai barbel is listed by the European Union in Appendix II of the Habitats Directive and is therefore a type of community interest, for whose conservation special protection areas must be designated by the member states.

Web links

Commons : Balatamai barbel ( Luciobarbus capito )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Bulatamai barbel on Fishbase.org (English)
  2. Peter S. Maitland: The Kosmos Fish Guide, The Freshwater Fish of Europe in Color, Franckh Verlag Stuttgart, 1977, p. 156, ISBN 3-440-04468-8
  3. Biometry of the fishes Barbus plebejus and Barbus capito from Coruh Basin, Turkey on http://www.ots.ac.cr/tropiweb/attachments/volumes/vol57-1-2/15-Solak-Barbus%20plebejus.pdf  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.ots.ac.cr  
  4. ^ Fishing World Records
  5. Intensive and Semi Intensive Culture Probability of Caner (Barbus capito capito, Guldenstadt) of Aras River, Erzurum, Turkey on archive link ( Memento of the original from November 9, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.medwelljournals.com