Bulletin municipal officiel (Paris)

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The Bulletin municipal officiel or BMO for short is the official gazette of the city of Paris, founded in 1850 and published twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) .

The bulletin publishes all official ordinances , resolutions, notices and other notifications of the Paris Mayor as well as the responsible administrative officers of the Mairie de Paris , the Paris Police Prefecture , the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (municipal hospital operator ) and other établissements publics (institutions of the public law) or public organizations such as the municipal welfare office (Center d'Action Sociale de la Ville de Paris) or the municipal bank Crédit Municipal de Paris, which emerged from the pawnshop .

It contains, among other texts on construction , civil engineering and road construction (building permits), Highway Code , burial services and the like, as well as tenders and jobs of the city and the department of Paris.

The minutes of the city council's debates and deliberations are the subject of separate BMO publications. They are also available online.

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