Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics

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Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics FOBL
"Corporate Design Federation" - logo of the federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation
Headquarters Bern
Chief Pierre Broye, director
At sight Federal Department of Finance FDF
Website www.bbl.admin.ch

The Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics BBL ( French Office fédéral des constructions et de la logistique OFCL , Italian Ufficio federale delle costruzioni e della logistica UFCL , Rhaeto-Romanic Uffizi federal per edificis e logistica UFEL ) is a federal authority of the Swiss Confederation . It reports to the Federal Department of Finance FDF .


The BBL is divided into the areas of buildings, logistics and management services. The Federal Office has set itself the goal of integrating all federal authorities in federally owned buildings. In the logistics area, the authority manages office supplies , furnishings and IT requirements. Furthermore, the production of federal publications is the responsibility of the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics.

The following bodies are also headed by the BBL:

  • Procurement conference of the federal BKB
  • Coordination conference of the building and property bodies of the public building owners KBOB
  • Federal Commission for Building Products BauPK

Embassy buildings, consulates and residences

In 2018, the FDFA paid around 14.3 million francs in rent for embassy buildings , consulates and residences, which is almost 1.2 million per month. The Consulate General in San Francisco alone cost 89,538 francs a month. In contrast, there is the Swiss Embassy in Bishkek with monthly rental costs of 542 francs. The public was informed about the rental costs incurred by the SonntagsZeitung based on the Public Information Act .


  • Federal buildings, the architecture of official Switzerland = Constructions fédérales: l'architecture de la Suisse officielle = Costruzioni federali: l'architettura della Svizzera ufficiale = Construcziuns federalas: l'architectura da la Svizra uffiziala , Bern: Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics BBL; Zurich: Distribution: Edition Hochparterre, 2016. 463 pp. ISBN 9783909928354

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Stoll: The luxury residences of the federal government abroad. In: derbund.ch . Retrieved January 20, 2019 (payment barrier).

Coordinates: 46 ° 56 '25.5 "  N , 7 ° 26' 5.9"  E ; CH1903:  599.72 thousand  /  198814