Hedwig Forstreuter

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Hedwig Forstreuter (born February 12, 1890 in Oschersleben , † November 15, 1967 in Hamburg ), German journalist and writer .


Hedwig Forstreuter was born as the daughter of the engineer Hermann Forstreuter and his wife Anna Elise, b. Reinhardt, born in a middle-class environment. On her father's side, she descended from emigrants from Salzburg . She received her education together with Ella von Klitzing, who was of the same age, at Gut Neudorf belonging to the von Klitzing family , as their mothers were friends.

Journalist and writer

After graduating from school, Hedwig Forstreuter received an apprenticeship at the Magdeburg General-Anzeiger . She became editor and later editor of the feature section of this newspaper. In addition, she edited the "women's supplement" for the Magdeburgische Zeitung, which belongs to the same publishing group . In her spare time she wrote poetry and short stories . Until 1945 she often visited the family of her foster sister, who was now married to Friedrich von Arnim , at Bornsdorf Castle . There she wrote many of her works.

The narrow volumes of poetry were published in small editions. Hedwig Forstreuter reached a broader audience through the publication of poems in some of the most renowned magazines (e.g. Die Bergstadt , Die Dame , Die Woche , Jugend , Der Türmer , Westermannsmonthshefte ). Her works were positively received by literary critics .

She wrote the verses for the picture books "Bunte Waldgeschichten" and "Bärchen's Adventures" by the Magdeburg painter and graphic artist Wilhelm Höpfner , which were created around 1940 but not printed .

After the end of the war she had to give up her job as editor and work as a packer for the newspaper. During this time she was only able to present her literary work at rare readings. At the beginning of the 1950s, Hedwig Forstreuter left the GDR and moved to Hamburg, where the daughters of her foster sister, who had died in the meantime, lived and supported her until the establishment was established. She took on a job in the administration of the Hamburger Abendblatt . Magazines rarely published her smaller work.

Poetry Prize

In 1936 Hedwig Forstreuter received the poetry prize of the magazine “Die Dame” of the German publishing house , Berlin , endowed with 1000 RM, for her poem “Lovers in the Landscape”.

Works (selection)


  • Poems. Peters Publishing House, Magdeburg 1913.
  • On the threshold . Broecke publishing house, Leipzig (1918).
  • An album sheet by Mozart. Kaiser Friedrich Museum of the City of Magdeburg, museum booklet 14 . Wohlfeld publishing house, Magdeburg (1920).
  • The drive to Bimini. Erich Matthes publisher, Leipzig 1924.
  • Steps to God. Seven-level publishing house, Leipzig (1932).
  • Interlude. Eugen Händle Verlag, Mühlacker 1942.
  • with Wilhelm Höpfner: Colorful forest stories (unpublished).
  • with Wilhelm Höpfner: Bärchen's adventure (unpublished).
  • Hedwig Forstreuter u. a .: Almanac of the lady. Fifty chosen poems. Propylaea Publishing House, Berlin 1935.
  • Hedwig Forstreuter u. a .: Seed in the future. Poets and writers from the Magdeburg region speak to us. A selection . Edited by the Kulturbund for the democratic renewal of Germany. Central German printing and publishing company, Magdeburg branch, (Leipzig) 1947.


  • Cloudy hour. In: Jugend from November 15, 1921 . Volume 26, Issue 29. Verlag Georg Hirth Munich 1921. P. 794.
  • Vision. In: Jugend from May 15, 1923 . Vol. 28, issue 10. Verlag Georg Hirth Munich 1923. p. 296.
  • Unloved In: Jugend from August 1, 1923 . Vol. 28, issue 15. Verlag Georg Hirth, Munich 1923. p. 449.
  • Young woman dream. In: Jugend from January 18, 1930 . Vol. 35, No. 4. Verlag Georg Hirth, Munich 1930. P. 53.


  • The emigration of the Salzburg Protestants in 1731. In: Monthly newspaper (of the Magdeburgische Zeitung) . Born in 1931, No. 73 . Verlag Fabersche Buchdruckerei, Magdeburg p. 341f.
  • Reputation across the border. For Maria Kahles 50th birthday. Südostdeutsche Zeitung, organ of the Germans in Romania, August 5, 1941 . Vol. 68 (23.) No. 115, Temeschburg 1941, p. 7.


  • Gerhard Lüdtke / Werner Schuder (eds.): Kürschner's German literature calendar. 54th volume Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1963, p. 165.
  • Wilhelm Kosch / Carl Ludwig Lang : German Literature Lexicon. The 20th century. Biographical-Bibliographical Handbook. Vol. 9, Fischer-Abendroth - Frieze. Verlag KG Saur Verlag, Zurich / Munich, Sp. 247, ISBN 3-908255-09-0 .
  • Heike Steinhorst: Hedwig Forstreuter. In: Magdeburg biographical lexicon. 19th and 20th centuries. Biographical lexicon for the state capital Magdeburg and the districts of Börderkreis, Jerichower Land, Ohrekreis and Schönbeck . Scriptum-Verlag, Magdeburg 2002, p. 187. ISBN 3-933046-49-1 .
  • Heike Steinhorst: Forstreuter, Hedwig . In: Eva Labouvie (Ed.): Women in Saxony-Anhalt, Vol. 2: A biographical-bibliographical lexicon from the 19th century to 1945. Böhlau, Cologne et al. 2019, ISBN 978-3-412-51145-6 , p. 152-154.
  • Martin Wiehle : Borders Personalities. Biographical lexicon of the Magdeburger Börde (= contributions to the cultural history of the Magdeburger Börde and its peripheral areas. Vol. 6). Dr. ziethen verlag, Oschersleben 2001, ISBN 3-935358-20-2 , pp. 48–49.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Heike Steinhorst: Hedwig Forstreuter . In: Magdeburg biographical lexicon. 19th and 20th centuries. Biographical lexicon for the state capital Magdeburg and the districts of Börderkreis, Jerichower Land, Ohrekreis and Schönbeck . Scriptum-Verlag, Magdeburg 2002, ISBN 3-933046-49-1 , p. 187 .
  2. ^ Monday newspaper . Vol. 43, No. 1905. Vienna November 13, 1916, p. 2 .
  3. ↑ Friend of the people . Vol. 30, No. 22. Hallein May 31, 1919, p. 4 .
  4. ^ Lower Austrian border messenger . Volume 9, No. 31. Hainburg a. D. August 1, 1920, p. 4 .
  5. Badener Zeitung . Vol. 41, No. 57.Baden near Vienna July 17, 1920, p. 2 .
  6. Martin Wiehle: Hedwig Forstreuter . In: Börde personalities. Biographical lexicon of the Magdeburger Börde. Contributions to the cultural history of the Magdeburg Börde and its peripheral areas . Dr. Ziethen Verlag, Oschersleben 2001, ISBN 3-935358-20-2 , p. 48-49 .
  7. The New Literature . tape 37 . Avenarius publishing house, Leipzig 1936, p. 741 .
  8. Helga Strallhofer-Mitterbauer: Nazi literature prices of Austrian authors. A documentation. Literature in history, history of literature . tape 27 . Verlag Böhlau, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 1994, ISBN 3-205-98204-5 , p. 91 .