Federal Chamber of Pilots

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Federal Chamber of Pilots
- BLK -

legal form Public corporation
founding 1954
Headquarters Hamburg
Authority management Captain Erik Dalege (Chairman)
Web presence www.bundeslotsenkammer.de

The Federal Chamber of Pilots (BLK) represents the interests of the seven German maritime pilots' brotherhoods and thus the around 800 German maritime pilots. It is a corporation under public law with its seat in Hamburg ( Bahrenfeld district ) and was founded on the basis of the Sea Pilot Act . The two port pilot organizations ( Hafenlotsenbrüderschaft Hamburg and Hafenlotsengesellschaft Bremerhaven ) are not chamber members, but work closely with the Federal Chamber of Pilots.

The federal government ( Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure ) is responsible for legal supervision . The port pilots are subject to the sovereignty of the federal states of Hamburg and Bremen .


The tasks include:

  • Representation of the members towards authorities and organizations
  • Mediation in the event of differences between members
  • Preparation of reports in matters relating to sea ​​piloting
  • Expert advice and cooperation in legislation
  • Support with measures for old-age provision, occupational disability and death
  • Determination of the uniform lot tariff

Lotsbetriebsverein eV

On behalf of the Federal Chamber of Pilots, the Lotsbetriebsverein eV takes care of the administration and provision of the rooms and vehicles for the tasks of the pilot brotherhoods, this includes 26 transfer vehicles, 16 buildings and 3 floating pilot stations. The Lotsbetriebsverein eV has 430 employees and is financed through pilotage dues , the ships of a certain size in addition to the Lotsgeldern have to pay, get the pilots' associations that directly.


The organs of the Federal Chamber of Pilots are the first chairman, the deputy chairman and the general assembly. The general assembly consists of the seven maritime pilot brotherhoods, which are represented by their elders.


In the Federal pilot chamber the seven Seelotsenbrüderschaften are Lotsenbrüderschaft same , Lotsenbrüderschaft Emden , pilots' associations Kiel Canal I and Kiel Canal II / Kiel / Lübeck / Flensburg , Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser I , Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser II / Jade and Lotsenbrüderschaft Wismar-Rostock-Stralsund represented. In contrast, in the Federal Association of Sea and Harbor Pilots (BSHL) founded in 1990, pilots are members as individuals.

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Chamber of Pilots: Organs of the Federal Chamber of Pilots. Retrieved February 22, 2020 .
  2. ^ Hans-Hermann Lückert, Rainer Meyer: Bundeslotsenkammer. Home page. 2014, accessed March 19, 2017 .
  3. ^ Hans-Hermann Lückert, Rainer Meyer: BLK - Seelotsen / Hafenlotsen. Bundeslotsenkammer, 2012, accessed on March 19, 2017 .
  4. Lotsbetriebsverein eV on the website of the Federal Chamber of Lots, accessed on June 17, 2016
  5. Federal Association of Sea and Harbor Pilots on the website of the Federal Chamber of Pilots , accessed on June 17, 2012.