Pilot Brotherhood Weser

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Weserlotse , transfer boat of the Lotsbetriebsverein in Bremerhaven

The Weserlotsen take on pilotage tasks in the Bremen harbor , on the Weser , the Jade and the offshore sea area, which means that they support the captains of the incoming and outgoing ships in the passage of these waters. The history of pilotage on the Weser goes back to the first half of the 17th century and was shaped for a long time by the contrast between the three neighboring communities Prussia, Bremen and Oldenburg.

As freelancers, Weserlotsen are cooperatively organized into two pilot brotherhoods . These are the Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser I and the Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser II / Jade .

Pilot brotherhoods

Weser pilot on a RoRo ship

The brotherhoods of the Weserlotsen are two of nine German pilots brotherhoods. Together with the five other maritime pilot brotherhoods , they are organized in the Federal Chamber of Pilots , in which the respective brotherhood is represented by its senior man . The port pilots from the Hamburg Harbor Pilots Association and the Bremerhaven Harbor Pilots Society are not represented in the Federal Chamber of Pilots. However, every pilot, whether sea pilot or port pilot, is entitled to join the Federal Association of Sea and Port Pilots as an individual member . Anyone wishing to conduct pilotage on the Weser, the Jade and the adjacent sea area must be a member of one of the two pilot associations. They also fulfill other tasks that have been assigned to them by law: regulating the sequence of duties, receiving and distributing pilot money and social security for members. The pilot brotherhoods independently ensure the monitoring of proper professional practice and promote the training and further education of their members.

Weser I

The Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser I is the smaller of the two brotherhoods of the Weser pilots with just under 40 members. It is based in Bremen. Maritime pilots refer to their pilotage area as an area. The area of ​​the Brotherhood of Weser I stretches 33 nautical miles along the Weser from Bremerhaven to Bremen and, in addition to the Bremen port, also includes the ports of Nordenham and Brake . All port maneuvers are also carried out here by the sea pilots of the Weser I Brotherhood. Before reaching Bremerhaven, they hand over the ships either to colleagues from the Bremerhaven Harbor Pilot Company or to the Weserlotsen of the Weser II / Jade Brotherhood.

Weser II / Jade

Around 100 sea pilots are organized in the Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser II / Jade. In 2015, the elderly Jörn Haase pointed out that the number of applicants was too low. The brotherhood has its seat in Bremerhaven and its territory includes from here the Lower Weser, the Outer Weser and the Weser estuary to the roads in the North Sea , u. a. in front of Wangerooge . Then there is the shipping traffic on the Jade . In this area, their jurisdiction extends from Wangerooge to Wilhelmshaven . In the port of Wilhelmshaven, the Weser pilots of the Brothers Weser II / Jade also take over port maneuvers.

Pilot house

Joint pilot house in Bremerhaven

Originally, both pilot brotherhoods were housed in two pilot houses. The river pilot house of the Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser I was built in 1913 and was damaged by air raids during World War II . The building was renovated and bought in 1980 by the Federal Republic of the Association of River Pilots. The original plan, which was decisive for the acquisition, of stationing both pilot brotherhoods in this building in Bremerhaven, was abandoned because the damage to the building prevented further use. Instead, plans were started for the construction of a new, shared pilot house, which went into construction in 2005. Since 2007 the Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser I and the Lotsenbrüderschaft Weser II / Jade have been stationed in a joint pilot house at the Geestevorhafen.


  • Günther Spelde: "The history of the pilot brotherhood on the Outer Weser and the Jade". 3rd edition, HM Hauschild Verlag, Bremen 1996.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Report on the shipping forum in the Nordwest-Zeitung of 11.2015, accessed on June 14, 2016
  2. Inauguration of the new “Lotsenhaus” building in Bremerhaven , press release by the Waterways and Shipping Directorate Northwest, February 8, 2007, accessed on June 15, 2016.