Federal Association of University Graduates / Engineers in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

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Logo Federal Association of University Graduates / Engineers, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

The Federal Association of University Graduates / Engineers in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture eV , BHGL, is an association of university graduates in the fields of horticulture , landscaping and landscape architecture . Members of the association can become students and graduates of this subject, as well as specialists who would like to participate in the association's activities due to their professional activity and special achievements. The association was founded in 1949. He works on a voluntary and economically and politically independent basis. Its seat is Berlin.

Tasks / goals

The association aims to represent the general ideational, technical and professional interests of its members and to promote scientific teaching and research in horticulture and landscape architecture. The BHGL operates science-oriented advanced and advanced training for its members, strives to open up new areas of responsibility and promotes practical training for young professionals. The maintenance of collegial, professional and social encounters as well as building bridges between the professional fields of horticulture / landscape architecture and the general public is another important area of ​​responsibility. Furthermore, the BHGL is in cooperation with organizations from the entire horticultural sector and the engineering associations as well as with biological, economic and technical neighboring areas in order to contribute to the balance between economy and ecology.

organization structure

The BHGL is divided into 6 regional groups: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Lower Saxony, North, North Rhine-Westphalia, East and Rhine-Main-Palatinate. In addition, three alumni associations are among the members:


Cooperation partners are the Central Horticultural Association , the German Horticultural Society 1822 eV and the German Horticultural Science Society . V. (DGG) as well as the VDL Federal Association, Professional Association for Agriculture, Food, Environment eV

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