Hausberk Castle

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Hausberk Castle
Hausberk - střední pahorek.jpg
Castle type : Hilltop castle
Conservation status: Burgstall
Place: Dominatrix
Geographical location 50 ° 29 '35.6 "  N , 13 ° 21' 18.8"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 29 '35.6 "  N , 13 ° 21' 18.8"  E
Height: 491  m nm
Hausberk Castle (Czech Republic)
Hausberk Castle

The castle Hausberk (German mountain ) is an Outbound Höhenburg the southern slopes of the Bohemian Ore Mountains above the valley of Chomutovka and a small inflow. Only a mound of rubble is preserved.


Hausberk is located one and a half kilometers northeast of Domina in 491  m nm on a low plateau above the Chomutovka.

Surrounding villages are První Dolský Mlýn, Bečov and Blatno in the north, Šerchov and Hrádečná in the northeast, Březenec in the east, Horní Ves in the southeast, Krásná Lípa in the south, Domina in the southwest, Suchdol in the west and Druhý Dolský Mlýn and Třetýn Mlýn in the north-west .


The time when the castle was built is unknown and there are no written records about it. It was probably a small aristocratic castle. The castle was built on a plateau above the Grundtal, it was surrounded by two moats and a wall. In the 17 by 22-meter castle area, the tower-like was Palas predominantly built of wood plant. It probably went out in the 14th century. Their function is unclear, because there was no trade route through the Grundtal. It is believed that Hausberg was one of the centers of the rule of the von Almsdorf family. The mountainous region of Krima , which adjoins it to the west , was acquired by the Teutonic Knights in Komotau as early as 1281 . The castle was probably an enclave of the Almsdorfers on the other side of the Grundtal until the 14th century. After the sale of the Neustein estate , it lost all functions and went out.


  • Vinzenz Uhl: Castles and palaces of the Ore Mountains and Egertal. Kaaden, 1935.

Web links

Commons : Burg Hausberk  - Collection of images, videos and audio files