Burmannia latialata

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Burmannia latialata
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Yams (Dioscoreales)
Family : Burmanniaceae
Genre : Burmannia
Type : Burmannia latialata
Scientific name
Burmannia latialata

Burmannia latialata is a species ofthe Burmanniaceae family . It is one of the most common Burmannia species in tropical West and North West Africa.


Burmannia latialata is an annual, leaf-green, thread-like herbaceous plant that reaches a stature height of 15.7 to 27.5 (rarely 9 to 40) centimeters. It is semi-mycotrophic . There is no rhizome, the roots are fibrous and relatively short. The sheets are linear-lanceolate and pointed, 4.27 to 8.67 millimeters long and 1 to 2 millimeters wide. They stand as a down-to-earth rosette and on the stem, where they are narrower and 2.51 to 4.19 millimeters long and 0.8 to 1.3 millimeters wide.

The inflorescence is a double coil consisting of one to ten flowers . The almost un- to weakly stalked flowers are 5.5 to 14.5 millimeters long and white, yellowish or light purple or light blue. The flower tube is cylindrical-triangular or cylindrical and 2.4 to 4 millimeters long, the 1.7 to 3.7 millimeters wide wings are halved elliptical, halved inverted ovoid, halved rhombic to halved hastat and run from the middle or below the The approach of the ovary to the approach of the outer flower lobes. The outer lobes are ovate to ovate-triangular, slightly fleshy, tapering to a point and upright and 1.1 to 1.7 millimeters long, the inner ones linear and upright and 0.56 to 0.84 millimeters long. The stamens are sessile and start in the pharynx. The stylus is thread-shaped, at its end are the almost sessile, trumpet-shaped scars .

The ovaries are elliptical or inversely ovate or inversely conical and 2.8 to 4.8 millimeters long. The elliptical to inverted egg-shaped capsule opens along transverse slits. The seeds are numerous, yellow and elliptical.


Burmannia latialata is one of the most common Burmannia TYPES of tropical West and North Africa, where they socialized at altitudes between 300 and 1200 meters with Neurotheca loeselioides , prescottianum Mesanthemum , Eriocaulon nigericum , Xyris straminea in the leachate of sedge and grasses mats on inselbergs occurs. They can be found from tropical West Africa to Uganda and Angola.


The species was first described in 1824 by Charles Henri Oliver Pobéguin .


  • Dianxiang Zhang : Systematics of Burmannia L. (Burmanniaceae) in the Old World , pp. 218-223, in: Hong Kong University Theses Online, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Hong Kong, 1999

Individual evidence

  1. Rafaël Govaerts (ed.): Burmannia - World Checklist of Selected Plant Families of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Last accessed on June 23, 2018.