Celestin Kowalewski

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Cölestin Kowalewski (born March 11, 1700 in Nikolaiken , † January 23, 1771 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a German lawyer.


The son of the rector in Rhine and pastor in Nikolaiken Andreas Kowalewski (* 1669; † December 9, 1725) was initially trained by his father and had attended the city school in his hometown. On April 15, 1715, he enrolled at the University of Königsberg to study law. On September 2, 1727, under Reinhold Friedrich Sahme , he acquired his licentiate in law with the dissertation juridica inauguralis, prior, de judicio militum statario, vulgo Vom Standt = law, item Standt -gericht . Through further studies at the University of Halle in 1729 he was able to acquire the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy. In the same year he returned to Königsberg, where he took over the extraordinary professorship in rhetoric and history.

In Königsberg he received his doctorate in law on June 29, 1730. In 1733 he became Samland Consistorial Councilor and in 1735 a full professor of history and rhetoric. After he was appointed vice-president and vice-official of the Samland Consistory in 1745, he became the first professor at the law faculty and became chancellor of the university in 1752. In addition, he had presided over the summer semesters of 1755, 1759, 1763 and 1767 as rector of the alma mater .

He left an impressive collection of 2,500 volumes and a collection of portraits to the academic library. His only daughter Christina Katharina was the heiress of the Tribunal Councilor Theodor Pauli, who left an important coin collection. She also set up the Kowalewski scholarship on December 29, 1771 at the Königsberg University.


  • Diss. De eo, quod iustum est in foris Borussicis circa substitutionem pupillarem a matre vel avia factam. Koenigsberg 1727
  • Dissertatio prima de orthodoxia Aristotelis philosophica a recentioribus tenere impugnata. Koenigsberg 1729
  • Dissertatio prior de tutelis naturalibus, vulgo Of natural tutors, occas. Pr. LRP1. L.2. T.6. A.2. §. 5. 6. & 7. p.301. Koenigsberg 1734
  • Decas thesium ex vario iure depromptarum. Koenigsberg 1734
  • Diss. De potioribus differentiis stili, oratorii et historici. Koenigsberg 1735
  • Diss de nominibus, cognominibus, et titulis Imperat. Roma nor. in numis antiquis a Julio Caesare usque ad Posthumum. Koenigsberg 1747
  • Funeral speech from the worldly wise man who looks up high on the day of Professor Martin Knutzen's funeral. Koenigsberg 1751
  • Decas de casibus quibusdam, in quibus hypotheca ingrossata tempore posterior priori praefertur. Koenigsberg 1758
  • Dissertatio iuris publici Poloni et Polono-Prussici de intercessione nuntiorum terrestrium in Comitiis regni Poloniae, et Prussiae, quae Poloniae iuncta est, conventibus, seu libero Veto, Polonice: nie pozwalam. Koenigsberg 1760
  • Paneyric on the King of Prussia after the Peace of Breslau.


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, Part 2, p. 411, lines 43, 72, FZ 57
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J. 1808, Vol. 7, p. 294 ( online )
  • Franz Koch: On the history of the city of Nikolaiken. In: K. Ed. Schmidt: Messages from the Literary Society Masovia. Verlag Thomas and Oppermann, Lötzen 1903, vol. 9, p. 43 ff.
  • Johann Christoph Adelung : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico. Verlag Georg Jönden, Delmenhorst, 1810, Vol. 3, Sp. 769
  • Georg Christoph Pisanski: Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books. Hartung Verlag, Königsberg, 1886, pp. 494, 521, 690

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Individual evidence

  1. other date of death July 1, 1772 (probably wrong)