C / 1861 G1 (Thatcher)

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C / 1861 G1 (Thatcher) [i]
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Epoch:  May 25th 1861 ( JD 2,400,921.0)
Orbit type long-period
Numerical eccentricity 0.983465
Perihelion 0.921 AU
Aphelion AE
Major semi-axis 55.682 AU
Sidereal period 415 a
Inclination of the orbit plane 79.8 °
Perihelion June 3, 1861
Explorer AE Thatcher
Date of discovery April 5, 1861
Older name 1861 I.
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . Please also note the note on comet articles .

The comet C / 1861 G1 (Thatcher) is the origin of the comet meteor the Lyrids . The lyrids occur between April 14th and April 30th with an activity peak on April 22nd. C / 1861 G1 has a period of 415 years. The comet has therefore not been observed again since it was discovered by AE Thatcher in 1861.

Edmund Weiss and Johann Gottfried Galle recognized that Thatcher is the mother comet of the Lyrids as early as the middle of the 19th century . At the time, several authors submitted estimates of the orbital parameters.


  • Arter, TR; Williams, IP (1997): The mean orbit of the April Lyrids . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomic Society 289: 721-728