from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Development of mobile web standards

The CHTML ( Compact HTML ) standard was developed by mobile network operators to describe websites for mobile Internet access via mobile devices, for example cell phones. In order to be able to run on small devices without several megabytes of memory , the display of JPEG files, tables and frames was dispensed with. GIF is available as image format . CHTML is basically a subset of HTML that has been reduced to the most essential and simple commands.

In contrast to the WAP language WML , CHTML differs only slightly from normal HTML. Since it is not based on XML , a tag that does not have to be completed (like <hr>) is not <hr />written as, but remains as in HTML <hr>. This means that existing websites do not have to be completely rewritten.

In 1999, CHTML was expanded to iHTML by the world's largest telephone company, NTT , in order to display pages for i-mode . In addition to additional symbols (stored in the mobile phone), links in iHTML can also be assigned so-called access keys so that they can be accessed more quickly via the telephone keypad . The syntax for such a link is, for example:

<a href="" accesskey="1">Wikipedia</a>

Web links