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Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 372 AS ; 42.0  kDa
Secondary to quaternary structure 7TM
Gene names CXCR5 , BLR1, MDR15, CD185
External IDs
Parent taxon Vertebrates

CXCR5 (short for CXC motif chemokine receptor 5 , also Burkitt lymphoma receptor 1 (BLR-1) , monocyte-derived receptor 15 (MDR-15) , CD185 ) is a receptor protein from the chemokine receptor family . This receptor is found in particular on lymphocytes , such as B and T lymphocytes , and can be detected in a particularly high density on cells of Burkitt's lymphoma . CXCR5 is activated by a cytokine , the CXC motif chemokine CXCL13 (BCA-1), and plays an important role in the targeted attraction ( chemotaxis ) of B cells.



CXCR5 is a transmembrane protein from the group of G-protein-coupled receptors that is encoded by a gene on chromosome 11 gene locus q23.3. Two different gene products are known that arise from alternative splicing .

Receptor activation

CXCR5 is activated by binding its ligand CXCL13. After activation of the receptor, the signal is passed on independently of G i proteins by increasing the intracellular calcium concentration.


CXCR5 and its ligand CXCL13 are of great importance for the function of the secondary lymphatic organs such as lymph nodes , spleen and Peyer's plaques . A lack of the receptor leads to a disruption of the chemotaxis of lymphocytes. The development of lymph nodes and Peyer's plaques is hindered, and primary follicles show morphological changes.

CXCR5 can serve as a co-receptor for the docking and penetration of HI virus type 2 (HIV-2).

Individual evidence

  1. Barella L, Loetscher M, Tobler A, Baggiolini M, Moser B: Sequence variation of a novel heptahelical leucocyte receptor through alternative transcript formation . In: Biochem. J. . 309 (Pt 3), August 1995, pp. 773-9. PMID 7639692 . PMC 1135699 (free full text).
  2. Müller G, Lipp M: Signal transduction by the chemokine receptor CXCR5: structural requirements for G protein activation analyzed by chimeric CXCR1 / CXCR5 molecules . In: Biol. Chem. . 382, No. 9, September 2001, pp. 1387-97. doi : 10.1515 / BC.2001.171 . PMID 11688722 .
  3. Förster R, Mattis AE, Kremmer E, Wolf E, Brem G, Lipp M: A putative chemokine receptor, BLR1, directs B cell migration to defined lymphoid organs and specific anatomic compartments of the spleen . In: Cell . 87, No. 6, December 1996, pp. 1037-47. PMID 8978608 .
  4. Kanbe K, Shimizu N, Soda Y, Takagishi K, Hoshino H: A CXC chemokine receptor, CXCR5 / BLR1, is a novel and specific coreceptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 2 . In: Virology . 265, No. 2, December 1999, pp. 264-73. doi : 10.1006 / viro.1999.0036 . PMID 10600598 .