Cairn Terrier

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Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terrier
FCI Standard No. 4
  • Group 3: Terriers
  • Section 2: Low-legged terriers
Origin :

Great Britain

Withers height:

28-31 cm


6-7.5 kg

List of domestic dogs

The Cairn Terrier is an FCI recognized British dog breed ( FCI Group 3, Section 2, Standard No. 4 ). He is one of the short legged terriers . The name is derived from the Gaelic word cairn , which means pile of stones, pile of stones or stone grave.

Origin and history

The ancestors of the Cairn Terriers were Scottish hunting terriers, "earth dogs", which were used to hunt foxes and badgers. The Cairn Terrier is one of the oldest terriers in Scotland, although it was the last to be recognized by the Kennel Club .

In the early days of breeding this breed, white animals from the litters were often registered as West Highland White Terriers , which is why the Cairn Terrier played a role in the development of this breed. Others were registered as Scottish Terriers , most before 1910 as short-haired Skye Terriers .

The origins of pure breeding are on the Scottish island of Skye , the dog "Callamhor" from Alastair Campeil from Ardrishaig was the first registered Cairn Terrier in 1907, which, like their Cairn Terriers "Cuillean Bhan" and "Roy Mhor", appears as a short-haired Skye Terrier the Crufts was issued . Alastair Campeil is considered to be the founder of the breed of the modern Cairn Terrier. The "Bruin", born in 1897 and owned by Mary C. Hawke, is considered the oldest dog accepted as a Cairn Terrier. In 1909 the first Cairn Terriers were shown at a dog show and in the same year a Cairn Terrier Club was founded in Scotland. A first breed standard was set up in 1911, and in 1912 the Cairn Terrier got its own register at the Kennel Club; In 1910, the dogs previously registered as short-haired Skye Terriers were registered as Cairn Terriers.

The first Cairn Terriers came to Switzerland at the beginning of the 1920s and to Germany at the end of the decade .


The Cairn Terrier is a small dog, about 28 to 31 cm tall and 6 to 7.5 kg heavy. The "double" coat is adapted to the weather: lush, harsh but not wiry outer coat with a dense undercoat in the colors cream, wheat, red, gray or almost black. The fur can be brindle , the colors pure black, pure white and black with tan are not allowed. The ears are small, pointed, erect and well carried.

Use and essence

This compact, low dog is suitable as a companion dog , is a reckless rat hunter and an adaptable house dog . The Cairn is friendly and spirited as well as being very self-assured and fearless. Like many terrier breeds, it is also an ideal family dog . As a descendant of the old Scottish hunting terriers, however, he has a strong passion for hunting and, like all terriers, can sometimes be stubborn.

Breed specific diseases

The cranio-mandibular osteopathy is occurring in young animals, very painful bone disease of the skull .

Web links

Commons : Cairn Terrier  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Hans Räber : Encyclopedia of the pedigree dogs. Origin, history, breeding goals, suitability and use. Volume 2: Terriers, running dogs, pointing dogs, retrievers, water dogs, greyhounds. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-440-06752-1 , Niederlaufige Terrier / Cairn Terrier, pp. 146–155