Camil Roguski

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Camil Roguski (born March 15, 1925 in Bucharest ; † June 28, 2012 ) was a Romanian architect .


Camil Roguski was the child of a well-known Romanian family of architects. His father and grandfather had studied at the Technical University of Charlottenburg . He was the favorite architect of the dictator and President Nicolae Ceaușescu and a close friend of the Ceausescu family.

Roguski was an architect in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, chief technician at Uniunea Arhitectilor din Romania , professor at the Technical University of Architecture, architect at the Design Institute "Carpathians" and director of the section for the preservation and renovation of palaces.

He was responsible for the renovation of the State Palace in Bucharest as well as representative buildings and palaces as well as places such as the Piața Victoriei , a square in today's city center of the western Romanian city ​​of Timișoara . He was responsible for the rehabilitation projects of the Romanian embassies in Buenos Aires, Rome and Paris. Roguski realized more than 1,000 shops and restaurants in shopping centers in Ploieşti , Brăila , Valea Jiului and Galați . He was responsible for the decorative furniture in the Pelișor Castle in Sinaia and the interior reconstructions in the Snagov Palace , the residence of the Ceausescu family. In 1996 he retired.

He published the work "Ceausescu, adevaruri interzise" with revelations from the private life of the Ceausescu family.

Individual evidence

  1. "A murit Camil Roguski, arhitectul lui Ceausescu" , Ziare 29 May 2012 (Romanian)
  2. "Viaţa de poveste a lui Camil Roguski, arhitectul reşedinţelor lui Ceauşescu" Libertea, June 29, in 2012 (Romanian)
  3. a b "A murit Camil Roguski, ahitectul lui Nicoale Ceauşescu" , Antena 3, June 29, 2012 (Romanian)
  4. "Ceausescu, adevaruri interzise" , accessed on June 30, 2012 (Romanian)