Campbell Trowsdale

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George Campbell Trowsdale (born October 17, 1933 in Stratford , Ontario ) is a Canadian music teacher and violinist.

Trowsdale studied in his hometown with Cora B. Ahrens and with Elie Spivak , Albert Pratz and John Moskalyk in Toronto. He was a member of the Hart House Orchestra since the late 1950s and occasionally played in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra . From 1961 until his retirement in 1988 he taught at the University of British Columbia . Since 1964 he was a member of the CBC Vancouver Chamber Orchestra , whose concertmaster he became in 1967. In 1977 he was also concertmaster of the Vancouver Opera Orchestra ; he held both positions until 1990. As a soloist and chamber musician, he was particularly interested in contemporary music, including Jean Coulthard's The Bird of Dawning Singeth All Night Long with the CBC Vancouver Orchestra under the direction of Mario Bernardi .

After his retirement, Trowsdale worked increasingly as a consultant, such as musical and educational advisor to the Langley Fina Arts Elementary School , academic advisor to the Royal Conservatory of Music and author of the report on the support program of the Ontario Arts Council for orchestras (with Robert Creech , 1988). In 1990 he served on the board of the National Examination Systems Commission of the Royal Conservatory . He also wrote articles on music education topics for various music magazines.
