Campylopus fragilis

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Campylopus fragilis
Campylopus fragilis (c, 144654-474758) 9638.JPG

Campylopus fragilis

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Dicranales
Family : Leucobryaceae
Genre : Campylopus
Type : Campylopus fragilis
Scientific name
Campylopus fragilis
( Brid. ) Bruch & Schimp.

Campylopus fragilis (German Zerbrechliches Krummstielmoos , Bruchblättriges Krummstielmoos ) is a deciduous moss - kind from the family Leucobryaceae .


Campylopus fragilis forms loose to dense, up to 3 or 4 centimeters high, green to yellow-green lawns with whitish translucent leaf bases. The trunks have a reddish-brown rhizoid felt, are annoying tufts at the top and are densely leafed. The leaves are 4 to 5 millimeters long, straight, stiffly upright, lanceolate-awl-shaped with a channel-shaped awl and serrated tip. They are slightly narrowed towards the base of the leaves, so that the widest point is about an eighth to a quarter of the leaf length. The leaf vein takes up about a third to a half of the leaf width at the leaf base. The cross section of the rib shows on the upper side (ventral side) a layer with large hyaline cells, a middle layer of deuter cells in mostly the same number and dorsal stereoid groups. The lamina cells are hyaline at the bottom, rectangular and thin-walled, irregularly shaped at the top, the majority roughly rhombic. Leaf-wing cells are not differentiated. At the tips of the shoots, numerous small, lanceolate brood leaves are often formed, which are used for vegetative reproduction. Spore capsules are rarely present.

Location claims and distribution

The species avoids lime, but is more base-tolerant than other Campylopus species, settles on neutral to weakly acidic substrates and avoids strongly acidic locations. It grows in damp and shady places on earth, humus, peat, sandy soils, on lime-free rock or in crevices.

The distribution is oceanic-montane. In Europe, the moss has its main distribution in Western Europe. It occurs mainly in the lower altitudes and is only scattered. There are other occurrences in the Caucasus, Turkey, the Himalayas, Japan, East Africa, the Atlantic islands and North and South America.


Web links

Commons : Campylopus fragilis  - album with pictures, videos and audio files